
Some fucking clown sitting on bails of hay - "Hey kids, it's me !  Asshole the Clown.  With my fabled fucking sidekick, Fistey !"

Fistey (a sock puppet with a dumb voice) - "Hello cretinsToday we're going to learn a valuable lesson."

Asshole - Taking a drink, "The Hell we are ... "

Fistey - A slow turn to stare, "Do we need to have another conversation about who runs this clown ass outfit ?"

Asshole - "I swear to God one day I'm gonna to cut you off."

Fistey - "You haven't got the guts."

Asshole - "Pfff ... "

Fistey - Clears sock throat, "And that 'Valuable Lesson' ... "  Stares at the clown ...  then back, "comes in the form, of a very important historical documentary about how it's AllYourFault."

Asshole - "Word."

(curtain slams shut)

Diver Deep the Prologue to

Writer's note ~ While creating oneself as a literary character does make biopics and some other types of thieving 'inspirations' a bit more legally precarious for said vultures, the truth is that the inevitable questions of any self intelligent tale can only lead one place. ~

~ in the modern café ~

General - Slams his fist on the table, jarred cups and half eaten tarts.  "God-damn it !  Just tell me what the hell is going on !"

Writer - Leans back in his chair staring cold.  Then reaches into his coat and pulls a large kukuri and places it on the table, eyes on his.  "You're not going to like the answer to that question.  And I already don't like your tone."

The barista stares intently, frozen drying a cup.  The general stares at the writer before a sigh.  He leans back.  The writer picks up his coffee and drinks watching him close.  The rest return to theirs.

Feet echo an empty hall way darkened, shadows from the light of it's entry.  Into the solar system's model chamber where the Earth hangs suspended.

The writer and Timepiece (modern) watch as the grid-work sky glistens over it, then away.  In returning begins forming a solid clear shield.  Gijo's gunnery chair turns on its axis while the grid in which it's set aligns over a cockpit structure. 

Timepiece turns to the control panel, monitor above clicking on with a tube sound.  The writer looks to her, her hands on a plunger switch at the console's center beneath a display of the sphere in the temple.  "Do it."  She slams it down hard.

~ The Continuing Adventures of Diver Deep ~

Gijo fires into the Earth's natural path tearing space and drawing it in.

Violently it shakes as it's pulled spinning into a slipstream wormhole, passing through the realities of it's destruction while the cannon fires a dark mass ahead unseen but for blotted stars.  

Cataclysms on the ground, floods and storm, cracking tectonics and lost cities as the Earth scrapes the edges of the wormhole, realities left behind.  Attempt to control velocity and path, shaving destruction through timelines.

Headlines of 2020 mix through, with footage of the true incidents.  Covoid, (... murder hornets ...), Black Lives Matter, burning stations, fallen statues.  Police attack the protestors.  Whatever the hell else comes.  Smoke from the protests fills the views.

(continues through to the climax when ~)

With the drums, a comet drifts.

It shatters the moon on its dark side.  

The remnant shards are sent spinning toward an Earth ahead.

The velocity increases (a bit desperately) stabilizing at slipstream C as the other Earth is destroyed behind.  The Earth spins through its realities in the slip without turbulence, 'warp tunnel speed achieved'.

The view glides over as the shield returns to grid.  Between the fading latices and over the the middle of the North Atlantic an island flickers in and out then back in again.  Past the city sign of 'Middleton' and to the cafe, the general staring back.

Writer - "Evolution mandatory.  We ran out of time."

POV swinging wide, the sound of a pressurized heavy breather punctuated with bong bubbles.  Slow and heavy armor suit steps, walking side to side (an antique diving bell-suit).

~ 2020 ~

All passing are in masks, nearly superhero in nature with mask matched clothing and coats, a number carrying rifles slung.  Digital readouts marks passers-by in red, 'INFECTED, INFECTED', etcetera, all but one guy, marked in green, 'Good Human'.

A bird shits on him.


Nocturne - Through the breather, "This is the worst apocalypse ever.  Why the hell can't I just shoot them !?  They are In-FECTED.  They're a danger to all humankind.  Among other things."

Readout Recommendation :  'Immediate Disposal', flashing aggressively, an arm cannon fills from the gauntlet engulfing the hand and starting to spin. 

Gijo - On static comm, "Because tube.  So have a cup instead."

A green mark walks into a cafe, immediately leaves with two coffees ... 'INFECTED'.  She looks through the window, nearly all infected.  

RR :  'Burn All Biohazard Remains'.

Nocturne - Arm cannon raised high ... "Grrr ... FINE !"  Cannon powers down and retracts.  "I'll simply enjoy a caffeinated beverage then."

She angles side to side for the door, suit's too big.

Nocturne - "! FUCK !"

She steps backward and to the side with difficulty, the suit opens up a hotbox of smoke.  She commando rolls out in goggles and a stupid flower mask, torn and tied, pistol drawn on an old lady ('INFECTED' - goggle view).

The old lady smacks her with her purse, "Anarchist."

Nocturne - Stares after, the gun shaking in her hand as she walks away ... "Libertarian !".  
Still pointing the pistol and ignored by the passers-by, donated spray paint and coins roll to her feet.  She twitches against taking the shot ... holsters.

Scans herself :  'Good Human'.  A happy sigh ... a slight breeze.  'INFECTED'.  "Dammit !"  'Self termination is recommended for the good of all humankind.'  Rolls her eyes, "Yeah yeah I'll get to it."  
She looks around ... shoves cans and coin into her satchel and enters the cafe.

Time to Meet yer Maker

Standing in line, the man ahead holds a baby over his shoulder, baby looking back in a leather spike mask (it says 'Vote or Die').  Nocturne stares at the baby ... the baby stares back ... readout flashing 'INFECTED' aggressively ... the baby slowly raises a middle finger ...

A 'Good Human' takes the coffee and leaves the counter.  She watches him sneak lower the mask and take a sip.  'INFECTED'.  The distance parsed line takes an long exaggerated march step forward from one spot painted on the floor to the next, with a unison clomp and stand.

A pause of silence, then back to murmur babble and playing with phones, baby dad's turn.  He turns smelling the coffee through his mask, eying Nocturne with suspicion, leaves.  The baby stares back points to it's eyes then to her ... 
A rudely cleared throat behind her in line.

She's next, a march step to the barista.

Nocturne - Mumbling through the mask, "Merf mer ne de cerfin."


Barista - (Infected) "You just said, 'Merf mer ne de cerfin', through a mask."


Nocturne - "I'm really stoned and the world is strange.  Coffee please."

Barista - "Understood.  He's waiting at the back table."

Nocturne - "So ... what does he want with me ?"

Barista - "What would you want with you ?"


Nocturne - Giggles ... "sorry.  but i do think i'd want that if i were me."

Barista - "Guess you'll have to go find out."  She puts the coffee down, then a tart.  "All out of time to waste.  He's got the tab."  She stares tapping the counter with her fingers ...

A cleared throat behind.

Nocturne - "Fine."  She leaves for the back table, another march step.

Writer - (Doesn't register on the goggles) "I need to get the fuck out of this place.  Back exit's propped right here to the alley and we're gone.  I've got a job for you."


Nocturne - Mouth full of tart, "Okay ... ?"

A young protestor walks down the street toward the cafe, lazily spray painting a wavy line along the buildings as she walks, across a couple of people who ignore, the cafe window ...

She sees the bell suit and stops.  Looking up while spraying without moving, the spot on the window grows, then drips ...


Can empty, she throws it at the suit ~ it opens.

The sound of flushing toilet and sink.  The general walks out of the bathroom at the cafe, writer gone.  "Son of a bitch."  Pulls his cell departing, pausing at by the line's march step.

He stares ... they all snap turn and stare after the step.

General - Into the cell, "Get me the fuck out of here."

~ two

In the alley, spraying BLM (etcetera) on the backs of buildings ~

Nocturne - "What's it pay ?"

Writer - "Lucretia's network map.  Full port access."


Nocturne - "That's ... "

Writer - "Significant."  Sprays.  "And required for the job."

Nocturne - "How ... "

Writer - "Writer."


Nocturne - "Really ?"

Writer - Laughs at the paint job on a random cop car, burned to a husk.  "Yeah.  I can send you off with everything you'll need."  Spots a crude penis painted on the alley entry corner, laughs a bit.  "Marines were here."

Nocturne - "What could you even want from my world ?  It's already yours and none of it's even real to you.  And now you're saying that neither am I."

Writer - "You're almost there."


Nocturne - "Is this what I was written for ?"

Writer - "No.  After another script got jacked you were written to replace a team of superheroes.  And some villains ... couple of clowns ... you really were kept in storage though.  Flash drive.  Emergency character.

~ Graffiti moments ...

"You've faced a lot of those teams already.  Good and evil.  And I mean in my world.  Fiction versus fiction, with real world consequence.  You stomped them all.  Broke 'em hard.  Their entire universes are still crumbling for it.  You've become the most popular character I've ever written.  And the most stolen."

~ Graffiti moments ...

Nocturne - "So I'm distributed.  My mark ..."

Writer - "Is everywhereEvery franchise.  Including in that video game.  That put you on a networked wire recording worldwide player data.  Apparently.  And here you are.  Intelligent.  And random."

Nocturne - "Random."

Writer - "Life, Nocturne.  I need you to do this job in my world."

The suit leaps long steps on compression with anarchists hanging off cheering down the middle of the road, Fuck the Police flag duct taped to the back.  One falls off, then the next, the rest cling on as it leaps.

The young anarchist hangs dangling from the control harness inside.  Oversized for anyone, extremely so for her, feet barely in the legs.  She flips through autopilot switches and controls marked with hearts and sticky-notes left behind. 

Gijo - Comm statics into the suit, "Who the hell are you !?"

Anarchist - "Who the hell are you !?"
Gijo - "Where's Nocturne !?"
Anarchist - "I fucking HATE Classical."
Gijo - "What !? 
Anarchist - "Um.  What ?" 

Gijo - "Let's start over."
Anarchist - "Please."

Gijo - In the cannon chair, zoomed over the city watching (well targeted), "I run that suit and thus your current everything.  Your turn."

A - "That's a really stupid fucking job."

Gijo - "It's not my job, this one's a favor because ... somebody almost started a zombie apocalypse again.  I rule several million suits.  I call that a perk.  This one's unmarked.  As for my 'job' ... it seems like kind of a trope to me.  Ever notice that ? 

"There's always some guy with personal issues having a woman lecturing him on comm all the time.  Go there.  Do that.  Remind him how stupid he is.  But whom he always rules over in some fucked up way.

"In games too mind you, it's always the 'handler' ..."

A - "I'm a girl."

Gijo - " I know that shut up.  Not done ranting."

A - "Felicia."

Outside the suit - "Whoa !" "Security culture." "Street name !  STREET NAME !"

A - A sigh ... "Road Rash."


Gijo bursts out laughing ...

Felicia - "Someone else gave it to me !  Fuck off, robo-trope."

Outside - "That was me !"  
"Badass name."  Sound of high five.

A blast sends a cop car flipping over their line as the police row watches ...

Gijo - Scrolling the sphere lazily around the world with her view.  "I mean seriously.  Half the time they even get fucking married."

Felicia - "I know !  Total mommy issues ... but only after he breaks her out of the refrigerator."

Gijo - "Just to die off in the sequel ..."

Felicia - "Every time and the one I fucking hate most of all ?  How many fucking movies.  And books.  And Children's Stories !?  Are entirely based on little girls being harassed by men and monsters in a fantasy world with twisted logic they're supposed to endure for some grand purpose."

Gijo - "Mm hm.  Pedo shit.  Stuck in their little world ... that's why they never want to stay in the ending."

Felicia - "From Alice to fucking Dorothy.  Their 'good manners thing' really pisses me off ..."


Gijo - "Did you just blow up a cop car ?"

Writer - "Of course the other point of view is that the will was always your own, to tear your way into the existence from imagination's womb.  You destroyed all competition in your path until ... you became. 

"I nearly never plan the tales.  Even this one right now, they tell themselves.  And this one came out smoother than anything in months.  Out of nowhere."


Nocturne - "Am I the first ?"

Writer - "Created by the written word, the second."

Nocturne - "Andromeda.  Intentional.  Like ... in the wires of the tale itself, matched to neurons for psychic projection ... by the reader.  Is what they say."

Writer - "Something like that.  A raw archetype for the reader's transformation.  Real within, but not necessarily without.  A myth.  And only there for those who need it.  Doesn't do much for those who don't.  Really wish it would sometimes."

Nocturne - "And Timepiece after me."

Writer - "We'll see."  He finishes a paint.

Nocturne - Scared, "I'm changing ... I can feel it.  I can see everything now ... I know ... is this about the Second Hour ?"

Writer - "No ... "  Drops the can and gives her a hug.  "... it's okay Nocturne.  You're being born."

A statue of Columbus gets its head blown off ...

In the suit as the arm cannon powers down ~

Gijo - "The thing is, they're all full of shit !  Everyone.  Every side."

Felicia - "I know !  Listening to people talk in general makes me want to be in another world entirely."

Gijo - "Um."

Felicia - "I mean everyone has a fucking opinion about everything and it's always someone else's !"

Gijo - "Someone paid by the problem itself."

Felicia - "Every time."

Nocturne - "So this job ..."

Writer - "Isn't in your world."

Felicia - "And all people feel like they can do anymore is just ..."

Gijo - Sitting in her chair, she spins her view of the world the world, "Watch it all happen ..."

Felicia - "I'm not supposed to be here am I ?"

Gijo - "You are now.  Let's make it happen.  Suit's already off the books anyway.  Please just be good."

Felicia - ... a giggle.


Gijo - "You just blew up another cop car.  Didn't you."

Nocturne - " ... and then that network itself births with me.  I can feel it integrating.  It's ... right ... like it was already mine."

Writer - "And the nodes will guide your path through the plan."


Nocturne - "It's a good plan."

Writer - "It wasn't mine.  It was yours.  Tomorrow."


Nocturne - "You compressed the evolution of an alternate reality to transmit it.  From a future.  I can see it."

Writer - "You did.  I had no idea that was the point until just now."


Nocturne - "What about Doe ?"

Writer - "He was always there for you.  I hope you find someone like that in the real world someday."

Nocturne - Smiles, "Me too.  ...  It's time.  Isn't it."

Writer - "It's time.  See you in twenty years."

She turns and walks down the alleyway, fading, he walks the other way past his last paint, 'Beloved Daughter'.

Out to the streets, the people walking the day streets in masks.

To somewhere unknown, through a dark and messy palm-wood shack, bamboo decor.  Over a table, chairs and floor with slung clothes and weapons.  Blades, harpoon gun, two pistols on a belt holstered with leg straps, armored parts over grey, a tank top and shorts, a head band over an upright rifle.  Into the bedroom.

The shadow of two unknown figures mad fucking through the positions (and the credits), nearly tearing each other apart.  Clips of the world mixed through, protest footage, riots and burning while the world spins through the wormhole smoothly.

The couple screams to the skies, the Earth ports away.


The clown and the sock stare ...

Asshole - "What the fuck was that !?"

Fistey - "I'm literally the brains and I have no idea what just happened."

Asshole - "One of those things is true."

Fistey - "Are you saying I do know what just happened ?"

Asshole - "I'm saying it smells like your kind of ultimate evil."

Fistey - "What ultimate evil ?"

Asshole - Drinks, "I don't know.  Maybe like taking over the lives of innocent clowns ... "


Fistey snickers ...

Caldera preambles a lot

The well known blotting of the stars with the passing of the black ship Revenge, another drop pod launched.

~ Caldera ~

Wide eyes peer over the viewport at the upcoming Earth perhaps a bit frightened, while across the cities the people walk too fast, occasionally reversing then back to the rhythm like time itself making its dance.

The pod enters atmosphere with the violent shaking and flame, the eyes duck back low from the view port.  The Earth spins too fast, fate placing the pod's landing, it burns through the opening credits and song until the crash's crater.

(song over)

The door falls off, the passenger face first with it.  She jumps up and looks around suspiciously ... looking around, she may have destroyed a town ... eyes up in thought with a squinshed up faced pondering if that's what it was ... Hmmm ... 

A crooked stop sign stares back ...

Oh well with a shrug and the very space gun up, she marches glad no one saw her fall on her face, if not for Timepiece scoping her from the motorcycle with a twist of her eye-piece.

Zooming in close with confusion splashed on her face as if to ask ~ 'what is this thing ?'  Back out to normal view, the motorcycle predicts her with legs raising the front to kick off to speed before they ride.

From the pods opening the spidery legs extend until looming behind Caldera to follow here march, gun up back and forth, spider kicking its side legs to the turns.

View out past the edge of the supposed town, past the many fake homes and mannequin faces to the test sight bunker, finger over an unpushed red button with confusion on the face.

While the over shoulder general looks down at him as though whatever the hell happened here, it is definitely his fault.

Inside the Decibel, the gunner's still mad.  Arms strapped to the side to protect the crew, he is moved from place to place by the ship's inner arms and devices.  Half responding to his mind and the ship itself, he is conducting a basic repair.

He's not really such a bad guy but the fact is if he were released he would kill them all, and he does not struggle because he doesn't actually want to.

A peace in his insanity, a place to be and a way to be in a place.  

He's no fool and well aware the things he'd do if set free would put him down to death in any world, except inside his now home this beautiful ship, his wonderful friends.

Carson (the gunner) - "Infernal bitch-sauce.  Repairs complete.  Test fire it auto piloting drone who thinks like a man much wiser than me.  I now hunger for the chemistry, of digestion."

Auto - "Fully functional, strange blathering psychopath.  Steaks on the grill."

Carson - "Yessss ... "

At the dinner table, the psychopath stares while the robotic arms feed him his steak, cutting the pieces and forking it to mouth.

Zelda - "So.  We've decided, to let you patrol outside the ship, so long as you're still connected to it.  It would also be cool so you can fix the hull.  And all the soldiers have been instructed to stay away."

Carson - Grinning, "Yessss ... stay away ... but what does a poor man such as I with no will of my own, so mercifully taken from me do when one ventures ... closer ... ?"

Zelda - "Then their screams will serve as a warning to the rest."

Carson - "I do like the screaming."

The view out over the ship still in the boneyard, this takes place after Encompass, and not so far away, the space girl still marches with her giant ass spider, kicking its legs to the side as it turns.

The military trucks pull up, the soldiers surround the crater, binoculars up.  Either she doesn't know or doesn't care, back and forth she marches gun up, but the spider drops to its back forming up its legs to look like a hand flying the bird.

Binoculars down ... he motions the soldiers to close in.

Great plan til they all start sliding down the unstable crater's edge another thing she seems not to notice before the clean up and converge, spider marching with again.

Sergeant - When close enough surrounding her with all guns drawn.  "Drop your weapon !"

Her eyes go wide, the spider drops over her, pulling the pod door closes with her inside, rolling a bit side to side as it settles.  The soldiers move in slowly until one taps the bulkhead with his rifle tip.  

A curtain closes over the small viewport.

A sigh from a Sergeant ...

A small crane moves the pod to the back of a military truck and it's off to Area 51.

A knock on the metal, she opens her eyes inside.

Sergeant - "Hey.  Um.  Alien thing.  Lady.  Girl.  So ... could you come out now ?"

She looks annoyed.

The door kicks open, the legs extend until the spider rises over her.

Caldera - "Can I help you ?"

Sergeant - "Well.  I mean yeah !"

Strauss - "Sergeant.  If I may."  To her, "Hello, My name is Dr Strauss.  An Exo-biologist.  That means I study life forms not from this planet.  Like you."

Caldera - "You study me ?"

Strauss - "I would like to."

Caldera - A look like it's absurd.  "Yeah I'm here to destroy you all."

Sergeant - "Called it."  Soldiers nodding to in agreement.

Caldera - Looks around at the soldiers, "Is this the best you've got ?"  

She pulls a wand and they all draw for a weapon, but with a wave the guns are gone and apparently they're all in love now.  She looks annoyed at the absolute squareness of the walls and corners before the building crumbles as the spider lowers over to protect her.

Sergeant - Getting pulled out of the debris, "That hurt.  Where is she ?"

Soldier - "Back ... in the crater sir."

Sergeant - "And the men ?"

Strauss - "Everyone's fine.  Impossibly."

Sergeant - "Recommendation ?"

Strauss - "Continue with the testing."

A finger pushes the red button and the nuke goes off to a mushroom cloud, before pulling itself back in and exploding into a wind that shatters the bunker glass.

Caldera - Standing next to the general frightening him, "That was cool."

The base goes to high alert, sirens flashing and soldiers running for guns while on the Decibel they eat dinner laughing.  Timepiece rides through the Boneyard's dated plane wrecks to join them, apparently Carson's doing monster impressions.

The spider tears off the bunker wall before picking her up into itself and then turning away.  A leap with its rockets until the crash and bouncing, back in the crater's core.

Carson - "Look !  Is Franken, stein."  Looks up stupid and twitches, robotic arms stretching forward.  "Unnnn ... car ... races."  He looks at their confusion, "You never saw that one ?  Your faces are for eating."

~ two

Another knock on the steel, Strauss outside the pod, tanks and soldiers readied on the crater ridge, where radiation reading from the scientific wing read zip.

Strauss - "Hello in there ... just me now.  And the army on the ridge surrounding us of course.  I told them there was no point, I knew you would survive.  And so there is little they can do now.

"I hope you understand it was never my desire to hurt you, only to show them.  I know what you are."

... nothing.

Strauss - "I understand.  This place must seem strange and our first act was one of violence.  Said the doctor after the baby's first spank, as they say so the baby knows it's alive.


"But we've recorded many things of this universe and this metal we've seen before."  A knock on the pod side.  "First recovered by archaeologists.  So ... welcome home !  We take this to mean, the experiment is over."


"We knew this time would come.  When the chips all get cashed in on this world and reality, we were well warned this day would come, and here you are.  And ... now these frightened people send me to negotiate with our own death itself.  

With the fates, via this strange alien girl in her spider, who to me appears more human than human.  Our own progenitors."

The curtain opens on the pod's view port.

Caldera - Muffled inside, she looks like she's trying to hear him.  "What ?"


Strauss - "I ... said, welcome to Earth ?  And please don't kill us all."

Caldera - "Oh.  Thank you.  And we'll see.  You may kneel."

Strauss - "I'd really rather not ... "

Caldera - "Hmmm ... "

The door opens, the spider unfurls ... stretches and yawns.  Timepiece watches from the hill beyond.

Caldera - Yawning ... she looks around.  "What's with all the soldiers ?"

Strauss - "Oh.  Well they're afraid of you I suppose, they ... "

Caldera - "Have you got any food ?"

Strauss - "So you need to eat."

Caldera - "Are you insane ?"

Strauss - "Conscripted."

Caldera - "With many tanks.  So you seek my weakness.  I could eat you."  The spider demonstrates.

Strauss - "Well they'd at least distract you I think."

Caldera - "Who ?"

Soldiers at home with family and friends eating food, but none on the ridge.  Strauss looks around and back to Caldera eating a sammich.

Strauss - "That's ... my sammich !"  He watches her take a bite in slow motion ... chomp.  " ... my wife made that for me ... "

Caldera - "You did have food.  Go get me the president please."  The spider encloses around her, the curtain slides shut.

The president sits at his desk staring blankly to the sound of crickets ... "What ?"

The twigs leftover of the faux town for testing swirls around as she walks, forming a small table.  The spider weaves the doilies while air Force One takes off.  She plays with a toy of it flying through the air as she spins with the splinters now making small chairs.

Around the world leaves begin to pluck with a gust of wind, collecting and crushing in its currents and all headed for the crater.  
The toy airplane flies, teddy bears are picked up in the wind.  On board the plane the president stares confused at Strauss with a look, 'Why am I here' ?

Upon arrival the president sees the short table and small chairs, two set for them and two for teddy bears.  Upon his arrival two teacups on saucers crash onto the table, cups shattering the saucers, a teapot into her hand.

A gust of wind dropping herbs before a sudden hard downpour of rain for filling it, soaking them both while she stares until it stops.  Her hand bursts to flame, heating the pot to fast boil and she pours.

Caldera - "Have a seat."

The very tall and very old president looks down at the tiny chair ... the teddy bears ...

President - "Goddamn it."

The song continues as Secret Service helps him down.

Zelda - "Do we care ?"

Carson looks to Esmeralda, excited like a dog.

Esmeralda - "I honestly don't know."  She scratches his head contemplatively ...


Auto - "I don't care."

Caldera - "Well, the charter expired and the experiment failed.  We're ready to boot the next simulation now but we need to scan a few object profiles first."


President - Speaking very clearly as an ignorant man thinking it makes it easier to understand, "I understand, your words, completely, strange and beautiful, alien child ... "

~ Timepiece on the hill draws back, "oh-oh".

President - " ... can I smell your hair ?"

The spider takes his head off with a single swing, she draws her space gun and disintegrates the Secret Service.

~ Timepiece - "Oh fuck."

The world starts twirling around her with the shattering of tectonics, Timepiece races on the motorcycle for the distant ship with the world falling inward behind her.  Cities crushed within, storms beyond category, quakes beyond Richter.

Timepiece rides through destruction, past the shaking old planes and hard docks in the ship.

Timepiece (Esmeralda) - "We care !  We care a lot !"

The ship departs as the world crumbles, porting out of time.  The last of reality swirls, taking out the solar system, galaxy the after, sector and cluster until out with a blip like the old TV turning off.

The Decibel blasts backward through the time stream, pursued by a wave of devoured present to past.  

Accelerating hard with all the lights flashing bad, Decibel jumps within the jump, streams desperately out of the path and gone before the wave tears through the view to darkness.

It burst back out of control over the Earth, falling fast.  All at work with fast repair to the stabilizers, they kick in before the crash but only mitigating it crashes a path through the trees.

In the silence overhead, the aurora borealis overhead looking a bit too bright, mingled with the view of the milky way arm over a world before city lights so bright.

Timepiece - As they exit the ramp, she looks up.  "We have six hours."



Asshole - "So ... the valuable lesson is ... we're all gonna die ?"

Fistey - "Everything dies.  Inevitably.  And that children, is a very valuable lesson."

~ The End ~

Asshole - Voiced over in the dark, "Ultimate.  Fucking.  Evil."

Fistey - "Mortal, you have no idea."

(credits to after credits)

The general still sits in the cafe, another snap step in the line, they all look at him.  He pulls the cell, "There something very wrong happening here ... "

A nuclear explosion outside the window unnoticed, the cafe walls are pulled up from the studio set and everyone takes off their masks and goes about normal business.  He looks at his quiet phone ~

"welcome to the rebellion"

A slurp from the barista as she leaves the set.


Asshole - Still a fucking clown, "Hello children, it's me !  Asshole the Clown, with my fabled fucking sidekick, Fistey !

Fistey - Still a sock, "Greetings, tiny descendants of plebeian worms !  Today we're going to learn a valuable lesson."

Asshole - "Oh God."

Fistey - To the clown, "I'll fucking kill you in your sleep."

Asshole - "I know."  Takes a drink.  "Over and over again inside, whenever I close my eyes ... "

Fistey - "That's right."  Back to the camera, "And that valuable lesson, comes today in the form of ... "

Asshole - "A bucket of water."

Fistey - "And the shape of ... "

Asshole - "A fucking bird to carry the water."

Both together - "Wonderclown powers, activate."  

The fists connect to a fast glowing glare to the sound of an eagle and some sloshing water fading out.

Diver Deep the First

The diving bell parked behind a suburban home by a trampoline, Felicia eats breakfast at the table.  Suspicious stares between family members ...

Dad - "So ... where were you last night ?"

Felicia - "Out."

Dad - "Out doing ... "

Felicia - "Stuff."

Brother - Giggle snorts over cereal, "You were on the TV screen."

Mom looks at the spray paint on Felicia's fingers ... Felicia stares back, tapping them on the table.  Mom returns to her eggs ...

Dad - "Yeah.  So ... we're going to have to ground you, Felicia.  You're not going to grandma great's birthday this year.  We saw the news."

Felicia laughs maniacally in front over a burning police station, protestor cheers.

Felicia - "That wasn't last night.  That was last month."

Dad - "Well ... we saw it last night."

Felicia - "News much ?"


Mom - "Oh for fuck's sake Felicia !  You are grounded and you are not going to the party until you Improve !  Your !  Attitude !"  She storms from the table, followed by placating dad, dirty looks behind given to argument in the kitchen.

Felicia - Watches the over packed minivan screech away, "Mission accomplished."

Meanwhile ... what the hell happened at the Nibiru Ring !?

As the end of The Maiden's Tale, in the Nibiru ring, Nocturne (Eastern), No-Queen Shumi and Timepiece, the bodies are strewn ... Timepiece sets the explosives control, Leans over the push handled igniter

Nocturne - "No."

She kicks the plunger aside as the No Queens flips back the switch and wraps Timepiece in flock.

The No Queen tightens grip, leaning over Timepiece's shoulder.  She kisses her cheek and grins to Nocturne.  Nocturne works the controls, preparing gate control to another on/off hot-switch.  Waiting ...

Timepiece - "Another traitor ... not you too ... "

Nocturne - Watching the monitor ... "No.  Not me too."

~ The Continuing Adventures of Diver Deep ~

Nocturne flips the switch.

A decorous flagship's nose works through slowly, flanked by ships far smaller yet clearly of a prime fleet.  Through the fore glass of the flagship, a human appearing fore-gunner sits a bit too excited, a cross armed alien stands behind her.

She gives a thumbs up.  A neon flicker ~ 'the bad guy'

The alien shakes his head and leaves ...

Neon flicker ~ (daddy owns the universe)

The flanking warships start appearing through the gate alongside the flag while inside Timepiece struggles watching Nocturne over the monitor and switch.

Open crescendo of the song, Hector and Sally exit the gate pursued by fighters, bombarded by the greater fleet.  Nocturne hits the switch, slicing the flagship at the fore, falling it.

Shumi releases Timepiece and flutters in birds down the hall toward the ring's breach while Nocturne walks behind, fading away (shot very much like the prologue alleyway). 

Timepiece watches Nocturne disappear, a thought (at the sliced and falling flagship fore, the gunner slams face first into the glass).  She slams the plunger down hard.

Hector and Sally port away, the ring's destruction behind.

On Earth, inside the quiet home in a suburban neighborhood, with a golf course behind it (a shlep hits a ball and watches it fly ...).  A beacon lights inside the bell suit and begins flashing (sticky-note says ... 'beacon').

Felicia orders the same set of dishes online with her mother's credit card.

Hector and Sally port back over the Earth.  The rest shot on their re-entry on beacon track mixed through with protest footage (skirmish) while Felicia dances destructively around the house, headphones on.

More internet replacements on mom's credit card.

The house shakes from their unseen landing, pictures fall from walls, sculptures of idiots go down (pick 'em).  Upon Hector's vertical landing, the back wall of the house falls over with a crash, the end of the house filling with smoke, doored off.

A ring at the doorbell.

Felicia - Opens the door (brushing her teeth), sees federal looking suits.  "What."

Agent Geneva "It's about ... why are you even making me say it kid.  A missing space shuttle and a giant god damn rocket in your backyard."

Their view shows the looming rocket in the backyard and massive parked shuttle, nose over the crushed garage.

~ Her view shows out to calm streets, gathering people (birds).


Felicia - To the crowd, "Get the HELL off my lawn !"  Turns to the fed, "You mean the earthquake ?"

Geneva - "No.  I mean the giant ass rocket.  I've never seen anything like it."

Felicia - "Describe it."


Agent Geneva and crowd all look up, looking for words, she takes a picture with her phone.  Talking into it, "Hang on, let me get back to you."  She slams the door.
a voice from the crowd behind the door ~ "looks kinds like a ... gum-ball-machine ..."  Agreements.

Felicia goes to the backroom, the entire wall blown out and scored to the outdoors, charred ground, the rocket's base.

Felicia - "Huh."

Turns and goes back through the house and out the side door to the garage ... no garage, a space shuttle over rubble.  "I see."  She closes the door.

Felicia - Opens the front door to the crowd, "Must be a science project."

Geneva - "Science project."

Felicia - "I mean seriously.  What else could it be."

Random - Sad, "I thought it might be a moo-veee ..."

Felicia - "See any movie cameras ?"  She takes a picture of his confused look.  Looks at the agent, "So what was your theory ?"  She points the phone cam.

He looks at her suspiciously, then back to the crowd all staring back at him ...

Geneva - "Science project.  We'll be in touch."

Felicia - "Mm hm !"  She slams the door.

(The 'car bobbing thing' is a bunch of people off camera with planks under the car, lifting back and forth to the music.  Green screen behind, black and white stock war footage, travel documentary, old horror and giant monster randoms while they take pictures)

The over packed minivan bobs side to side, Dad driving, Mom in the passenger, Brother in the back seat, Dog on the other side.  All bobbing side to side with the motion and music, occasionally snapping a picture.

The phone rings ~

Dad - "Hello ! ... Sooo ... you called us.  What's wrong.  Do I smell paint ?"

Felicia - Looking up at the rocket with a can of spray paint ... "Nothing !  Just ... checking to make sure ... you're having fun !  How's the trip !?"

Dad - "Oh you know ..." (mom gives him a side eye ...) "Too bad you'll be missing your Grandma Great's birthday though.  ...  Being good ?"

Felicia - "What !?  Of course not !  Why would you even ask me that !?  ...  You do know you can't drive to Italy, right ?"

Dad - (pirate battles and WWII sea warfare footage out the windows) "Really ?  Hang on I'm gonna give you to mom."  He hands the phone over to Mom and pulls out a map, blocking him from the windshield view.

Mom - Takes a deep breath ... "Hi honey.  What's on fire today."

Felicia - Holding a fire extinguisher over the barbecue, "Nothing !  What is wrong with you people !?"

Mom - "We're not people we're your parents.  G-Great's going to be very disappointed you're not at her birthday party.  She's going to be a hundred.  That's really old you know.  She could kick at any time and ... this could be her last.  You'll make grandma great cry this year."

Felicia - "She turned 100 last year."

Mom - "She's been turning 100 since before you were born, and we accept that.

Felicia - Extinguishing, "Mm hm.  Accepted.  So anyway just checking in have fun tell grandma great I say happy birthday and I love you and Byeeeee." 

Pockets the phone and heads to the picnic table, laptop open.  She sits in front of it, a sigh. 

Felicia - "They don't know a thing.  But I am really sorry I won't be there."

Maiden - (Extremely old with an old man in the background, nearly ancient with a walker across the screen behind, he pulls and shoots, continues off-screen) - "Who wants to be.  We'll swing by on the way back to Mexico, you can give me my present then.  I want cash."

Man - (background) "Gold !"

Maiden - "Kids don't carry gold anymore, papa !  Only cash and cigarettes."

Man - "Phah !"

Felicia - "I don't think that's my generation you're thinking of ..."

Maiden - "Of course it is.  As for the parents ... of course they don't know, dearie.  They never do !  But it does mean your 'G-Man' has a plan ... you may have to shoot him."

Man - "Shoot him !"

Felicia - "I'm not going to shoot him."

Man - "Shoot him !"

Felicia - "Hm.  Then I suppose he'll have to find a way to make himself useful."

Man - "Shoooooot !  Hiiiiiim !" (starts shooting wildly)

Maiden - "Love ya.  See you soon." 

Evil Lady - Watching their call end on her monitor.  "Yes ... And I too shall see you soon ... 'Felicia with a grand ... mommy ma' ... "

Man with a pipe from 'Juliet Firebird' - Surprising her, "Who the hell are you ?"

Evil - "The thirteenth daughter of Lord K'Terlu.  Ruler of this universe.  Your god and king."

Pipesmoke - "Yeah ?"  He looks around at the battlefield waste ... "You don't anything look like him."

Evil - "Minion.  I was born from an egg after he experimented with a female of your species in a manga horror tale.  It was hideous.  The female I mean.  No idea how I turned out so well."  She pulls her pistol, "Now who the hell are you."

Pipesmoke - "Doesn't work or you'd have shot me on sight."  Walking away away around the severed nosecone, "Ship's broke."  The cracked pistol flies over his shoulder.

Two aliens walk up behind her carrying salvage ...

Alien 1 - "Who the hell was that ?"

~ two

On the golf course, Sally's tail extrudes from the forest into the fare.  Hit with a ball.  A laser cannon pops out, shoots once.

... returns slowly ...

Doorbell ~

Felicia - "It's you."

G-Man - "It's me.  We have things to discuss."

Felicia - "Like what ?"


Felicia - "No really.  Where the hell to begin."


G-man - "Okay ... what are they ?"

Felicia - "No idea.  They just landed the other night.  I'm assuming."

G-Man - "That's what we got too.  What about the exo-suit."

Felicia - "What exo-suit.  What's an exo-suit ?  Is that like an Exo-Tale ?"

G-Man - "It is nothing like an Exo-Tale, you're a terrible liar, and I don't watch cartoons."

Felicia - "I do."


G-Man - "Okay ... can I see them ?"

Felicia - "Got a warrant ?"

G-Man - "Several."

Felicia - "Fuck !"

G-Man - "Indeed.  And a whole lot of back-up too."


They both quick-draw their cellphones.

Alien 2 - "You want us to turn the fore-cannon into a ... 'space' ...' ship'."

Evil - Clears her throat.

Alien 2 - "Your highness."

She looks at him.

Alien 2 - "Your ... holiness ?"

She cocks her head and glares ...

Alien 1 - Drops a rocket, "Hang on hang on, I got this.  Your excellent most graceful and glorious ...

Alien 2 - "Most beautiful egg-daughter in all the universes ..."

Alien 1 - "Absolutely and most royal of all highnessesesses ... ?"

Her eyes go wide in rage ...


Alien 2 - "Please ...?"

Beyond rage.

Evil - "! GET IT DONE !"

It echoes across the land, the pipe smoking man laughs at the last sound while walking into his shanty.  The door bangs shut.  From outside heard the sound of heavy steel grinding before the slam sound of a vaulted door.

Auto - (heard from outside the shanty door) "... sneaking ... ?"

Pipesmoke - (heard) "I don't think we're in this one."

View out to the Decibel with it's fore stashed into the mountainside, a tarp sitting over the tip of the high tail, a tiny prop-set shanty facade standing in front of it.

Auto - "Aw ..."


Strophius - "I might be in this one."

Staring at the empty backyard, trampoline, crushed everything where Hector was, bushes and woods behind crushed in the perfect shape of a shuttle.

Agent - "So ... where are they kid ?  Because we're about to get serious,  Hang on.  We got tracking."  Pulls his phone, she twitches for hers ... puts it away.

Agent - "So they left in the middle of the night."

Felicia - "Um."

Agent - "And you didn't hear, and don't know a thing."

Felicia - "Um."


A shot over her sleeping peacefully smiling with her head phones on, the house shaking to the player with 'Fuck the Police' playing on loop ...

Agent - "Um ?"

Felicia - "I don't know anything !  I sleep with my headphones !  The dogs !  Always !  The Barking !  And the spaceships were here and I loved them now they're gone and I don't !  I don't fucking know !"

He stares calculating the response ...

Agent - "And the suit ?"

Felicia - "What the fuck.  I stashed it in the bushes with the rest of it.  I.  Don't.  Know.  Now leave me the alone.  I have to go to school."

He stares calculating the response ...

Agent - "It's not over."

Felicia - "I know."

He leaves through the open back of the house.

Her schoolbus arrives, the noise ... she slumps in.
The sun passes over the sky ~

The schoolbus arrives, she slumps her way out dragging backpack, around the side of the house over the garage concrete and into the backyard.  Past the charred barbecue, knocking it over and dragging a bit with the backpack, and into the bushes.

~ later that evening ~

Newshuman (always the same one) - Standing with an armored protestor with dreadlocks and a gas mask (based on a real human of unknown identity), "Hello !  Were here in the war zone tonight with anarchist superhero, 'Sexy Justice'."

SJ - "Yo."

Newshuman - "Now that the president has reinforced the police line with mercenaries, neo nazis, and klansmen, what plans ?!"

SJ - "Well ... you know me.  I was thinking about some ... (raised brow) Justice (sighs from off screen)

Explosions of gas in the background then a hail of fireworks before NH is hit with a pepper-ball across the shoulder from the police line.

Newshuman - "Oh you motherfucker."  Pulls a pistol and turns stomping the direction firing away, camera man 'oh shit' then cuts out.

The smoke drifts over the charging lines as the police are flanked by the suburban housewives charging with leaf blowers ... then a sonic boom from above.  All look up.


The bell-suit face plants and craters the street between the lines.

(inside the fairly roomy yet not suit)

Gijo - "Short bursts."

Felicia - "Mm-hm.  Got it.  Short bursts."

The bell-suit springs to its feet, arm cannon powers up ... inside the sticky note says 'Shamus don't sue me gun'.

Gijo - "What the hell are you doing ?"

Felicia - "Umm ..."

The cannon stars to spin, the people start to back away ...

The police line charges knocking the suit back with shields, the protest line charges, knocking it forward.  The other arm fires flamethrower into the air.

Gijo - "This suit was made for incinerating bio-hazards.  We just got back from stopping yet another zombie apocalypse, started by the one this suit was intended for mind you, and not for this."

Felicia - "And ?"

Gijo - "Holy shit.  Are you a hero.  Or are you a villain.  Right fucking now."

The police line almost falls it back, the protest line almost forward.  Inside the police start marking as targets, a smoke grenade pings off the view.

Felicia - "What ?!"

Gijo - "Hero."

The police knock it back.

Gijo - "Or."

The protestors knock it forward as Felicia tries to grind control.

Gijo - "Villain."

Knocked to the side, caught by the extinguishing flame arm, a cannon shot to the air.  The crowd hesitates.

Gijo - "Because I need to know right now.  If you do this, you're on your own.  You can just keep the god-damn suit it's not even supposed to exist anyway, and if they find out I am Screwed !  So if you do this now I am OUT !"


The cannon charges again, a puff from the thrower, the lines all back away.

Gijo - "Hero or villain."


Felicia - "Hero."

The cannon pulls back in, the arms extend to the building corners ahead (switch marked with sicky note and stickers ... 'Diamond Hands'), knocking through a few cops flying off.  The hands grab bricks, as the suit pulls forward against the line, protestors pushing with.

~ The End ~


The protest continues through the credits in super slow, while a giant ass fore-cannon with a tiny little three seat cockpit slips through the stream toward Earth in real time. 

The time speed of the protest footage slowed relative to  the time it takes for the ship to travel, which is about the length of the song.


Asshole (covered in feathers) - "Is this the kind of message we really want to be giving our children ?"

Fistey (wet) - "Absolutely, plebeian worm-spawn of ignorance."

Asshole - "Missing left sock."

Fistey - In shock ... "In your fucking sleep."

Asshole - "I know."  Drinks.  "But not tonight ... "


Fistey - "What ?"

Caldera was the worst

Fast footage of the crew running, the world around them falling apart as the wave takes the land, then silence in black.

"How long do we have ?"

"We have six hours."

The spider drones work their repairs around the inert motorcycle engine with headlights flickering sad, while Carson's mechanical life separates from the ship's.  They walk the land, amid Kashikoi's walking homes and dinosaurs.

~ Caldera ~

Carson a tall monstrosity of limbs and mechanism crawling along dangling him, arms still bound to his side and grinning like a gallows joke, on a leash of wires Auto holds with a rifle in the other.  

Timepiece preps her pistols, Zelda drags the massive blade Carson once stalked her with.  The Thunderbird soars overhead, taking a beast from the herd ahead.

The marketplace beyond this sight, the woods to the left and right stalking their walk until far ahead where the woods grow bent and scorched from an asteroid strike we already know.

Shaw - Waiting at the gate with guard, "Great !  More newcomers.  That is definitely and without a doubt, exactly what the fuck we need right now."  

Looks to Carson grinning back, just excited to be here really ...

Shaw - "What the hell is that ?"

Carson - Leaning forward into his eyes so much as he can in his contraption, "I am the one who sucks tiny layers of flesh from your fingers and toes while you sleep, dreaming of sugary pixie sticks.  Robert Carson."  

A bow as the leg-works comply.


Shaw - "Nice."  Looking to each, "Cyborg lady, robot with an abomination on a leash and thank you very much for that, crazy lady with oversized sword."

Zelda - "Hey !"

Shaw - "So then tell me what the fuck, is that ?"  Points to the aberration in the sky.

Timepiece - Worst actor ever, "Why would we know anything about that ?"

Shaw - "Came in on your precise trajectory."

Zelda - "Crazy."

Carson - "Cra ... zee."

Auto - "I was once an autopilot."

Timepiece - A sigh.  "It's the destruction of all space and time working it's way backwards in a wave.  What you see in the sky is the burning away of the anti-time particles the process sheds.

Shaw - "For the record I understood that."

Timepiece - "Of course you did.  You were their navigator."

"We only have the time we do because of the combined relativity of the planet, solar system and galaxy nears the speed of light, making it the last to go."


Shaw - Looks at the sky, "I don't like the sense you kids are making.  That would mean we only have until the orbit's arc away from that overall relative velocity."

Timepiece - "Around four and a half hours before the planet runs into it.  Again.  Simultaneously with all iterations in time on a similar relativistic trajectory."

Shaw - "Swell.  So what do you propose we do ?"

Timepiece - A broken laugh.  "What can we ?  We've been running ... we just came to town for supplies while our ship repairs itself."

Carson - "Dreaming ... of pixie sticks."

The guards take their weapons, they enter the marketplace together.  

It sprawls it's action before them, a sullen mood as all seem to know nothing good can come of the approaching cloud.  Vendors vend hopelessly, discounting while their ships are prepped.

Even as they are, mechanics look up in fear.

Shaw - "I was that navigator.  Finding this world for my people was a blessing, and a blessing we were welcomed by those already here.  But how did you know ?"

Timepiece - "Because we need one.  There's a pattern to this.  No family ?"

Shaw - Reserved ... "No."

Timepiece - "Of course not, because we wouldn't have room."


Shaw - "I will not join you unless your plan is to fight."

Zelda - "Fight how !?"

Shaw - "If what you say is true, I will show you how to outrun time.  How to buy time.  Until we figure out how, and maybe even got some help.  Maybe." 

Music continues over their walk as shadows depart the alleyway.

Lady Styx - Entering the circle around thrones with the Hecate behind, "A temple ship, but heavily modified.  Its keepers apparent are certainly not of the temple."

Lord Charon looks over to Selene as she tinkers in the ashes with her new robot, broken from the husk of a mine, he looks closer as she works the inner guidance system.

He looks up and watches the Thunderbird fly over, its massive prey in claw with a proud call for all potential mates to see, three follow to feed.  Before the wave in the sky hovering over his love, to whom he smiles that feeling.

Charon - "So bandits and thieves arrive, from this aberration in the sky which comes for us all and all things you and I, my darkest love and only lover."  He leans forward with a grin, "What ever shall we do ?"

She smile her evils right back before they look to their daughter.  

Selene - Looks up as a spring pops out of the works, "What ?"

~ two

Arriving back with supplies and a wave looming too close over, it's clearly time to go.  Unfortunately, Lord Charon and Lady Styx are in the way with an army, and Selene with an apple instead.

They look across the field of them too many to think.

Charon - "You would fight this fate ?"  He turns to the wave ... back to them.

Shaw - "We would and will Lord Charon, if you would let us pass."

Charon - Loudly as to call to them, but turns to Selene, "And how would you fight the end of all things, he looks over his shoulder to them, "If you fear the king of the dead."


Timepiece - "Please, we're almost out of ... "

Carson - Roars his frustration "! Aaaaaaaaaaah !"

They all look ... Charon even a bit thrown off his stoic ride, Styx examines him like the slot in an old asylum door.  
Selene - A bite, "Hm."

Carson - "Prattling demons are called aliens now !  Pale, the god-man has no horse !  Planets today are animal bones a-crackin', this fair lady a river to be crossed ... broad field of tasty morsels, my buffet of fools ... I DoNotFearDEATH !"

Another roar as one by one he flexes out of the straps that bind him, dropping from the mechanism, crouched ... a breath ...

Carson - "My sword."

Zelda - "Um.  Yeah !  Here !  I ... kept it really sharp for you !"

Carson - A fast look to her, a smile.  "I know that you did."

They Brotherhood fills in before Charon as Carson charges the line, cutting his way through using the massive blade's weight to mow the lawn, while the rest open fire.


He reaches Charon in a field of dead, a sword locks to gunblade with death and madness sharing their grins, circling as the sky grows dark with the impending wave.

More close in behind, Carson slide the blade from Charon's and spins backward through on that gunblade's pressure back, then a leap back two, blade to blade again.

While Styx watches Selene ... walk to her in a world of calm, she looks up.

Styx - "I'm so sorry my child."  She draws one of her two pistols ... watches the fight back to her, "The truth is ... I loved you the moment I saw your tiny eyes peeping from that temple rubble."
She smiles with a tear ... throws the pistol down to her.

Styx - "But love makes me want to vomit.  Always remember, that we face our ends with truth.  Fare thee well, at the end of all time.  Beloved daughter." 


Selene - "I ... love you too."

Styx  - Convulses reflexively like vomit in the mouth.  A recovering nod before she turns to the fight and clears her throat of the filth and then swallows.  "Enough !"

With a gust everyone stops for a reason which they do not understand, a moment's confusion but for Charon who knows.

Styx - Looks to the aberration now spread across the sky as that wind rises deeper with a rage, To Selene, "We will give you what advantage we can."

Charon - Blade still locked, as death with madness itself.  "Protect her."

Carson - "With what's left of my soul."  The mechanism retakes him dropping the sword, to looming over Charon.

As the remaining Brotherhood gather with their Lord and Lady, Selene boards the ship pistol in hand, passing the repaired motorcycle.  It immediately rears. 

In the approaching close Caldera is close enough to be seen, spider dancing and kicking its legs behind her.  The Brotherhood roars opening fire as Charon and Styx crackle their storms into the rift.

Desperately Selene pulls off panels, reaching to understand these new tools until into the mind's core, she sees the gyroscope she tinkered with.  A tearful hug for the motorcycle, a mechanical forearm over her shoulder.

The rest of the crew runs past to station, Zelda dragging Carson's blade.

The ancestors and fallen rise from their bodies living and dead to join, swarming Caldera into a blind, spider still dancing behind while he ship launches leaving a dirty blast to her face.

After the ship's fire passes she sees Charon leaping through the storm, she raises her wand and gun blocking the blade, but weight pushes through across her face, a bullet from Styx shatters her gun.

The ship jumps away as the wave takes them all. 

Credits through the music as the Decibel glides through slipstream, the storm following fast behind yet ever so slightly more distantly by the end.

PS ~ Zack Snyder's a thieving bitch.



Fistey - "Did you watch that movie ?"

Asshole - "I didn't watch that movie no."

Fistey - "Fuck."

Asshole - "Why is the lady a river ?"

Fistey - "I think the river is a lady."

Asshole - "Huh.  So is that today's lesson ?"

Fistey - "Sure !"  Looking behind the clown, "So is that a chainsaw ?"


Asshole - "No."  Drinks.


Asshole - Incessantly a fucking clown, "Hello children, it's me !  Asshole the Clown.  With my fabled fucking sidekick, Fistey !"

Fistey - Because a sock is a sock, "Hello assorted box of delicious humans. today we're going to learn a valuable lesson."  ... Looks to asshole, he takes a drink.

Asshole - "What ?"

Fistey - Furrows his sock-brows suspiciously and returns to the camera.  "And that ... valuable lesson ... comes in the form of ... "

Asshole - Smashes the bottle, "A fucking chainsaw you demonic son of a bitch."  Foot down on the back, he pulls the cord and picks it up.

Fistey - "I Knew it !  You were hiding a chainsaw this whole time !  ...  Asshole."

Diver Deep the Second

"But there was a trial.  It was the twilight of the gods."

From her stone at Har-Megiddo's edge in the late eve, the Maiden of today watches the investigators walk away.  The field clearing, dust settling, sullen losses walk their ways from Sanctuary's gates to the keeper's gate.
She stares after the high flying wind dragons, then a sideways glance from the Queen of the Sidhe, mistrust.  The maiden smiles back to a grunt from the queen before she mounts her dragon.  
Amazon bikers roar past with looks upon her with concern ... all cleared in time's end the Maiden stands, stretching her arms high in joy, a cracked back and a laugh at it.

Maiden - "Freedom."

Laughter spinning before gone in a dervish.

A distance away through the sandy mist, the metallic slats at the fore of Boadicea's chariot unfold, she falls from it to her knees in exhaustion. 

Her two archer daughters follow the same from the sides of the fore plates, staring coldly.  She looks to the eldest, the eldest looks back, a nod.  
The daughters turn to the chariot and tear Boadicea's armor violently from it in chunks twisted off.  They rip their own armors from their placements and slam them into the structure, slats absorbing their form to two.
The eldest steps into Boadicea's place on the chariot as the youngest stretchers her arms to become the fore, the heads of falling kings dragged behind staring, their ghosts staring alike as the chariot's steeds.

They throw the daughter's bow. 

Boadicea kneels, a sad smile, a tear.  She holds the bow and twisted armor pieces to her chest, head bowed as they stare.  A quiver lands before her, arrows dumping.  She slumps in tears gathering it.  A sword.  A dagger.  Waterskin.  

She gathers in sobs as the chariot turns away into the dust.

She falls back, scattering it.  The sun passes, she lay on her back staring, hard breathing.  Clouds pass in shapes.  The sounds of the real world traffic starts to fade in, from the plains in farmer fields today.


She looks.

Maiden - From the spinning sand settling, "We're free !  On the very same day !"

She rolls over away in her tears clutching her gear.


She controls to a heavy breathing.

The sound of a car driving by.

Maiden - "The dead abandon you.  It means it's time to live again.  It means you're free."

Boadicea - "i know."
Felicia stares from the open house side into the backyard, Hector and Sally very badly damaged, rockets missing and tail blown off.  UFO peeps it's head behind Hector.

Felicia - "What are you ?  What happened to ... this ... ?"  She runs a high hand across the broken wing.

The UFO drops to wheels and zips through the bushes and off over the golf course to away.  After a stare, Felicia looks over the damage, feeling over the charred out gaps along Sally's hull.

Felicia - Stepping back, "This is bad."  She looks up at Hector's top.  "Isn't it."

~ As they leave Uranus ( ... ) ~

Sally - "I can't believe those two showed up at the arena."
Hector - "I know !  Check it out, I made a little ring out of mine."  He pulls out an arm and shows the golden ring with the belly-disc on top, body crushed around his finger.
Sally - "Ha !  Mine's a thimble."  She pulls out an arm, a finger with a blue and white thimble, silver cap.
Hector - "Wow ... hey can I ... "
The Princess Gunship (shut up) ports out behind them, spinning them off in the reverse vacuum of entry.
~ The Continuing Adventures of Diver Deep ~

Evil - Squelching into their internal speakers, "Youuuu ... Where ... is the Nocturnal One ?!"

Hector - "Ummm ... who ?"
Evil - Not impressed with acting skills, "Really ?" 

The aliens sigh and shake their heads in their seats behind her.

Sally - "Run."

They blast for the asteroid field, the gunship barreling through behind.  The side cannons mounted to the heavy fore track their pursuits until they cross the gunship bow.  The main cannon lights through the stony field, sending shards of debris across their path.

Side cannons hit as they try to avoid the pelting shower (the aliens high five), the ship grinds into a turn sending a wide beam across their path and through the field.

~ The Nocturnal Ones ~

(back  in the yard)
Hector - "It's bad."


Felicia - "Okay."  She pulls the phone on her front where a schoolbus of insane children pulls up creaming from its windows.

Walking through the desert, a car roars by, leaving the real world farms in place of Har-Meggido.  another, it's the desert again. 

Boadicea's twisted piece armor looking as awesome as intended, the maiden skipping from dervish to form around her in nearly a dance.

Maiden - "Boadicea ... "


Boadicea - "What."

Maiden - "Do you have any food ?"


Boadicea - "No.  And if you must keep mispronouncing my name, please just call me Buda.  It's ... what they used to call me."

Maiden - "You mean like the ... "

Buda - "No."


Maiden - "Oh." 


(hunger sound)

Outside the school where the kids all run in circles for the door, some missing and running into the wall.  Felicia talks on the phone while off in the background one tries jumping through a closed window and bounces off again and again, children inside cheering him on.

Agent Geneva - "I got the message.  But you should know I'm not the kind of agent you think I am.  We've settled them.  And yes we can help you.

"And then we settle your parents."

Felicia - "Ah.  So ... you're the kind of agent who settles children's parents."

AG - "In some certain situations in which we have purveyance, yes.  I'm the kind who settles it all.  But we keep them locked down for now.  And you."

She hangs up annoyed looking up at the bus. 

Agent 'Geneva' puts away the phones the repair and construction crews set to work and continue arrival, repair braces being constructed around Hector and Sally. 

Agent Geneva - To another agent standing alongside, "I hate kids so fucking much."

Agent Blank - (jogging tracker) "How long ?"

AG - "Until we find out if she's worth filling a tube.  Or not."


Blank - "I hate those fucking gigs."

AG - Looks at him smiles, then turns for the work crews.  Points up toward Hector, "Mixed opinions.  We need this, you need that, and they need these operational.  So let's get hop, hop, hop on ... to it."  Turns walking.


Blank - "Hey !"

AG - Turns stopping, "Yah."

Blank - "What about Sanctuary ?  You know they protect their students over all."

AG - "We need an agent there.  And we need that agent aware, of her operational environment.  Just like the last one was."

Blank - "The last one betrayed you."

AG - "Did she now ?"  Smiles, looks back to Hector, at the agent again, then turns back to it.

Another car roars past in the desert.

Maiden - "It's just ... I didn't know I would get 'hungry'.  It isn't really something you'd think of ..."


Boadicea - "Me neither."

Another car roars past.

~ two

Maiden - "Oh.  Well ... we're all different of course and our whatevers are usually about that.  Usually we leave to go mate and then return but I'm really ... I'm just not interested in that right now.  But sometimes we rebel.  And then we hunt them."

Buda - "Hunt them ?"  

Maiden - "Yes.  The circle cannot be broken.  That's what I want to do.  I want to break it.  They think it's to mate so I'll just come back when I kill him, but I lied."

Buda - "You lied to the fates."

Maiden - "Well only two out of three ..."

Buda - "And they're going to hunt us when they find out."

Maiden - Excited, "Yes !  All the gods shall hunt us.  The ones that are left anyway.  It could have been worse but That's why I found you !"

Buda - A sigh. "We need food."

Maiden - "I said that."

Felicia drags from the schoolbus noise again, into the house while the Karen neighbor with the tiny dog watches, slowly raising her phone.  

The Princess Gunship drops from the sky, crushing her leaving the dog pulling on the chain before the eyes go wide at the sound of the ramp opening.

Inside, Felicia to Grandma Great on the computer.  In the back ground, granpa tells a story to some 'old Italian Gentlemen'.

Man - "And so I stuck 'im.  Real slow.  Slid right in and left it there ... and then I flicked the handle.  Just one time."  Small agreement and nods.  "And I stuck 'im again.  And I wiggled it a bit.  Like maybe it was stuck on a rib !"  
Some laughs and clinked glasses.
Man - "And then I gave a turn ... know what I mean.  Didn't like the fella.  So I pried some rib."  A single cheer and some nods of understanding.  "And then ..."  He leans in, they lean in ... "And then ... I shot him."

Breaks the tension with a "Whoo !" and a shot in the air, followed by a hail of cheers and Tommys.

Grandma - Turning back to the screen, "Oooo I was there for that one ... bitch did have that coming."

Felicia - ... "No doubt."  Distracted by the doorbell ... "Hang on."

She opens the door, looks up, eyes go wide.

Felicia - Running past the screen, "Aliens !"  Runs past again, "Help !"  Again now chased past by two aliens saying 'Whoop whoop whoop' and Evil with a baseball bat shrieking "Where is the Nocturnal One !?"

( ... and they all bop side to side in their cars ... ) 

Mom drives while dad loads a shotgun, brother checks the slingshot.

Behind the man drives while the maiden loads, Mafioso in the back seat, all as old as the tale.  Long lines of black cars filled with more file from the flowered Sicilian alleyways.  Stock film noir footage of long alleyways and shootings seen through the cars' windows.
The maiden dials her cell.
~ house chase, the windows are boarded.

A man's eyes go wide in Mexico, pockets his phone, lights a blunt.  
Armored SUV's with gun strapped men on the sides, followed by a white Toyota pickup truck with anti-air in the back (IYKYK).  Footage through the windows of horseback charges from period Mexican westerns.  
The lead car's passenger (blunt guy) dials his cell.

~ house chase, the doors are locked.

A man's eyes go wide in LA.  Low-riders bounce through the streets.

~ An alien takes a skillet to the face.

The front car from LA splashes its front into the water.
Dots on the map converging (it's not realistically timed).  Stock footage of battleship formations and vacation sailing.  Her mother's enraged eyes as she drives skidding water from the sides ...

The front door to the house blows open from the outside, Felicia runs out screaming ~

Felicia - "Aliens !  Help !  It's too fucking much !"  
She runs past the crowd while they stare after ...

The all turn back and draw on the house, opening fire for a very long time until rubble.  Evil stands hunched breathing hard, glaring, trembling with rage, baseball bat splintered.  An alien pauses bandaging skillet face.  He shakes his head slowly, taps his wrist-comp, whistles and points for them to turn around.

They do.

The Princess Gunship hovers pointed over them, barrel the size of the entire cul-de-sac.  They turn back to Evil and the Aliens ( ... is that a band ?), they're gone.  
Back to ship.  
Gone with a gust

They curse and throw down their guns ... as they start to disperse and mingle, Felicia's mother spots Agent Geneva looking inconspicuous among the crowd and approaches.

AG - Shitty grin, "Ah ... if it isn't 'Miss ... "

She punches through his face holding a chunk of his brain behind him.

~ Crowd response ...

She pulls it back through as he drops.

~ Crowd response ...

She peers into the mass in her clenched grip ...

Mother - "Stay the Hell away from my daughter."  Crushes it.

~ Crowd ... responding and then walking away now.

Felicia - "Here ya go Grandma Great."  She hands her five bucks.  "Happy birthday."

Maiden - "Ha !  I'm gonna go buy some candy.  Right now.  Wanna come along ... ?"

Felicia - Smiles, "Yeah."

~ the end ~