Diver Deep the First

The diving bell parked behind a suburban home by a trampoline, Felicia eats breakfast at the table.  Suspicious stares between family members ...

Dad - "So ... where were you last night ?"

Felicia - "Out."

Dad - "Out doing ... "

Felicia - "Stuff."

Brother - Giggle snorts over cereal, "You were on the TV screen."

Mom looks at the spray paint on Felicia's fingers ... Felicia stares back, tapping them on the table.  Mom returns to her eggs ...

Dad - "Yeah.  So ... we're going to have to ground you, Felicia.  You're not going to grandma great's birthday this year.  We saw the news."

Felicia laughs maniacally in front over a burning police station, protestor cheers.

Felicia - "That wasn't last night.  That was last month."

Dad - "Well ... we saw it last night."

Felicia - "News much ?"


Mom - "Oh for fuck's sake Felicia !  You are grounded and you are not going to the party until you Improve !  Your !  Attitude !"  She storms from the table, followed by placating dad, dirty looks behind given to argument in the kitchen.

Felicia - Watches the over packed minivan screech away, "Mission accomplished."

Meanwhile ... what the hell happened at the Nibiru Ring !?

As the end of The Maiden's Tale, in the Nibiru ring, Nocturne (Eastern), No-Queen Shumi and Timepiece, the bodies are strewn ... Timepiece sets the explosives control, Leans over the push handled igniter

Nocturne - "No."

She kicks the plunger aside as the No Queens flips back the switch and wraps Timepiece in flock.

The No Queen tightens grip, leaning over Timepiece's shoulder.  She kisses her cheek and grins to Nocturne.  Nocturne works the controls, preparing gate control to another on/off hot-switch.  Waiting ...

Timepiece - "Another traitor ... not you too ... "

Nocturne - Watching the monitor ... "No.  Not me too."

~ The Continuing Adventures of Diver Deep ~

Nocturne flips the switch.

A decorous flagship's nose works through slowly, flanked by ships far smaller yet clearly of a prime fleet.  Through the fore glass of the flagship, a human appearing fore-gunner sits a bit too excited, a cross armed alien stands behind her.

She gives a thumbs up.  A neon flicker ~ 'the bad guy'

The alien shakes his head and leaves ...

Neon flicker ~ (daddy owns the universe)

The flanking warships start appearing through the gate alongside the flag while inside Timepiece struggles watching Nocturne over the monitor and switch.

Open crescendo of the song, Hector and Sally exit the gate pursued by fighters, bombarded by the greater fleet.  Nocturne hits the switch, slicing the flagship at the fore, falling it.

Shumi releases Timepiece and flutters in birds down the hall toward the ring's breach while Nocturne walks behind, fading away (shot very much like the prologue alleyway). 

Timepiece watches Nocturne disappear, a thought (at the sliced and falling flagship fore, the gunner slams face first into the glass).  She slams the plunger down hard.

Hector and Sally port away, the ring's destruction behind.

On Earth, inside the quiet home in a suburban neighborhood, with a golf course behind it (a shlep hits a ball and watches it fly ...).  A beacon lights inside the bell suit and begins flashing (sticky-note says ... 'beacon').

Felicia orders the same set of dishes online with her mother's credit card.

Hector and Sally port back over the Earth.  The rest shot on their re-entry on beacon track mixed through with protest footage (skirmish) while Felicia dances destructively around the house, headphones on.

More internet replacements on mom's credit card.

The house shakes from their unseen landing, pictures fall from walls, sculptures of idiots go down (pick 'em).  Upon Hector's vertical landing, the back wall of the house falls over with a crash, the end of the house filling with smoke, doored off.

A ring at the doorbell.

Felicia - Opens the door (brushing her teeth), sees federal looking suits.  "What."

Agent Geneva "It's about ... why are you even making me say it kid.  A missing space shuttle and a giant god damn rocket in your backyard."

Their view shows the looming rocket in the backyard and massive parked shuttle, nose over the crushed garage.

~ Her view shows out to calm streets, gathering people (birds).


Felicia - To the crowd, "Get the HELL off my lawn !"  Turns to the fed, "You mean the earthquake ?"

Geneva - "No.  I mean the giant ass rocket.  I've never seen anything like it."

Felicia - "Describe it."


Agent Geneva and crowd all look up, looking for words, she takes a picture with her phone.  Talking into it, "Hang on, let me get back to you."  She slams the door.
a voice from the crowd behind the door ~ "looks kinds like a ... gum-ball-machine ..."  Agreements.

Felicia goes to the backroom, the entire wall blown out and scored to the outdoors, charred ground, the rocket's base.

Felicia - "Huh."

Turns and goes back through the house and out the side door to the garage ... no garage, a space shuttle over rubble.  "I see."  She closes the door.

Felicia - Opens the front door to the crowd, "Must be a science project."

Geneva - "Science project."

Felicia - "I mean seriously.  What else could it be."

Random - Sad, "I thought it might be a moo-veee ..."

Felicia - "See any movie cameras ?"  She takes a picture of his confused look.  Looks at the agent, "So what was your theory ?"  She points the phone cam.

He looks at her suspiciously, then back to the crowd all staring back at him ...

Geneva - "Science project.  We'll be in touch."

Felicia - "Mm hm !"  She slams the door.

(The 'car bobbing thing' is a bunch of people off camera with planks under the car, lifting back and forth to the music.  Green screen behind, black and white stock war footage, travel documentary, old horror and giant monster randoms while they take pictures)

The over packed minivan bobs side to side, Dad driving, Mom in the passenger, Brother in the back seat, Dog on the other side.  All bobbing side to side with the motion and music, occasionally snapping a picture.

The phone rings ~

Dad - "Hello ! ... Sooo ... you called us.  What's wrong.  Do I smell paint ?"

Felicia - Looking up at the rocket with a can of spray paint ... "Nothing !  Just ... checking to make sure ... you're having fun !  How's the trip !?"

Dad - "Oh you know ..." (mom gives him a side eye ...) "Too bad you'll be missing your Grandma Great's birthday though.  ...  Being good ?"

Felicia - "What !?  Of course not !  Why would you even ask me that !?  ...  You do know you can't drive to Italy, right ?"

Dad - (pirate battles and WWII sea warfare footage out the windows) "Really ?  Hang on I'm gonna give you to mom."  He hands the phone over to Mom and pulls out a map, blocking him from the windshield view.

Mom - Takes a deep breath ... "Hi honey.  What's on fire today."

Felicia - Holding a fire extinguisher over the barbecue, "Nothing !  What is wrong with you people !?"

Mom - "We're not people we're your parents.  G-Great's going to be very disappointed you're not at her birthday party.  She's going to be a hundred.  That's really old you know.  She could kick at any time and ... this could be her last.  You'll make grandma great cry this year."

Felicia - "She turned 100 last year."

Mom - "She's been turning 100 since before you were born, and we accept that.

Felicia - Extinguishing, "Mm hm.  Accepted.  So anyway just checking in have fun tell grandma great I say happy birthday and I love you and Byeeeee." 

Pockets the phone and heads to the picnic table, laptop open.  She sits in front of it, a sigh. 

Felicia - "They don't know a thing.  But I am really sorry I won't be there."

Maiden - (Extremely old with an old man in the background, nearly ancient with a walker across the screen behind, he pulls and shoots, continues off-screen) - "Who wants to be.  We'll swing by on the way back to Mexico, you can give me my present then.  I want cash."

Man - (background) "Gold !"

Maiden - "Kids don't carry gold anymore, papa !  Only cash and cigarettes."

Man - "Phah !"

Felicia - "I don't think that's my generation you're thinking of ..."

Maiden - "Of course it is.  As for the parents ... of course they don't know, dearie.  They never do !  But it does mean your 'G-Man' has a plan ... you may have to shoot him."

Man - "Shoot him !"

Felicia - "I'm not going to shoot him."

Man - "Shoot him !"

Felicia - "Hm.  Then I suppose he'll have to find a way to make himself useful."

Man - "Shoooooot !  Hiiiiiim !" (starts shooting wildly)

Maiden - "Love ya.  See you soon." 

Evil Lady - Watching their call end on her monitor.  "Yes ... And I too shall see you soon ... 'Felicia with a grand ... mommy ma' ... "

Man with a pipe from 'Juliet Firebird' - Surprising her, "Who the hell are you ?"

Evil - "The thirteenth daughter of Lord K'Terlu.  Ruler of this universe.  Your god and king."

Pipesmoke - "Yeah ?"  He looks around at the battlefield waste ... "You don't anything look like him."

Evil - "Minion.  I was born from an egg after he experimented with a female of your species in a manga horror tale.  It was hideous.  The female I mean.  No idea how I turned out so well."  She pulls her pistol, "Now who the hell are you."

Pipesmoke - "Doesn't work or you'd have shot me on sight."  Walking away away around the severed nosecone, "Ship's broke."  The cracked pistol flies over his shoulder.

Two aliens walk up behind her carrying salvage ...

Alien 1 - "Who the hell was that ?"