
Asshole - Still a fucking clown, "Hello children, it's me !  Asshole the Clown, with my fabled fucking sidekick, Fistey !

Fistey - Still a sock, "Greetings, tiny descendants of plebeian worms !  Today we're going to learn a valuable lesson."

Asshole - "Oh God."

Fistey - To the clown, "I'll fucking kill you in your sleep."

Asshole - "I know."  Takes a drink.  "Over and over again inside, whenever I close my eyes ... "

Fistey - "That's right."  Back to the camera, "And that valuable lesson, comes today in the form of ... "

Asshole - "A bucket of water."

Fistey - "And the shape of ... "

Asshole - "A fucking bird to carry the water."

Both together - "Wonderclown powers, activate."  

The fists connect to a fast glowing glare to the sound of an eagle and some sloshing water fading out.