~ two

On the golf course, Sally's tail extrudes from the forest into the fare.  Hit with a ball.  A laser cannon pops out, shoots once.

... returns slowly ...

Doorbell ~

Felicia - "It's you."

G-Man - "It's me.  We have things to discuss."

Felicia - "Like what ?"


Felicia - "No really.  Where the hell to begin."


G-man - "Okay ... what are they ?"

Felicia - "No idea.  They just landed the other night.  I'm assuming."

G-Man - "That's what we got too.  What about the exo-suit."

Felicia - "What exo-suit.  What's an exo-suit ?  Is that like an Exo-Tale ?"

G-Man - "It is nothing like an Exo-Tale, you're a terrible liar, and I don't watch cartoons."

Felicia - "I do."


G-Man - "Okay ... can I see them ?"

Felicia - "Got a warrant ?"

G-Man - "Several."

Felicia - "Fuck !"

G-Man - "Indeed.  And a whole lot of back-up too."


They both quick-draw their cellphones.

Alien 2 - "You want us to turn the fore-cannon into a ... 'space' ...' ship'."

Evil - Clears her throat.

Alien 2 - "Your highness."

She looks at him.

Alien 2 - "Your ... holiness ?"

She cocks her head and glares ...

Alien 1 - Drops a rocket, "Hang on hang on, I got this.  Your excellent most graceful and glorious ...

Alien 2 - "Most beautiful egg-daughter in all the universes ..."

Alien 1 - "Absolutely and most royal of all highnessesesses ... ?"

Her eyes go wide in rage ...


Alien 2 - "Please ...?"

Beyond rage.

Evil - "! GET IT DONE !"

It echoes across the land, the pipe smoking man laughs at the last sound while walking into his shanty.  The door bangs shut.  From outside heard the sound of heavy steel grinding before the slam sound of a vaulted door.

Auto - (heard from outside the shanty door) "... sneaking ... ?"

Pipesmoke - (heard) "I don't think we're in this one."

View out to the Decibel with it's fore stashed into the mountainside, a tarp sitting over the tip of the high tail, a tiny prop-set shanty facade standing in front of it.

Auto - "Aw ..."


Strophius - "I might be in this one."

Staring at the empty backyard, trampoline, crushed everything where Hector was, bushes and woods behind crushed in the perfect shape of a shuttle.

Agent - "So ... where are they kid ?  Because we're about to get serious,  Hang on.  We got tracking."  Pulls his phone, she twitches for hers ... puts it away.

Agent - "So they left in the middle of the night."

Felicia - "Um."

Agent - "And you didn't hear, and don't know a thing."

Felicia - "Um."


A shot over her sleeping peacefully smiling with her head phones on, the house shaking to the player with 'Fuck the Police' playing on loop ...

Agent - "Um ?"

Felicia - "I don't know anything !  I sleep with my headphones !  The dogs !  Always !  The Barking !  And the spaceships were here and I loved them now they're gone and I don't !  I don't fucking know !"

He stares calculating the response ...

Agent - "And the suit ?"

Felicia - "What the fuck.  I stashed it in the bushes with the rest of it.  I.  Don't.  Know.  Now leave me the alone.  I have to go to school."

He stares calculating the response ...

Agent - "It's not over."

Felicia - "I know."

He leaves through the open back of the house.

Her schoolbus arrives, the noise ... she slumps in.
The sun passes over the sky ~

The schoolbus arrives, she slumps her way out dragging backpack, around the side of the house over the garage concrete and into the backyard.  Past the charred barbecue, knocking it over and dragging a bit with the backpack, and into the bushes.

~ later that evening ~

Newshuman (always the same one) - Standing with an armored protestor with dreadlocks and a gas mask (based on a real human of unknown identity), "Hello !  Were here in the war zone tonight with anarchist superhero, 'Sexy Justice'."

SJ - "Yo."

Newshuman - "Now that the president has reinforced the police line with mercenaries, neo nazis, and klansmen, what plans ?!"

SJ - "Well ... you know me.  I was thinking about some ... (raised brow) Justice (sighs from off screen)

Explosions of gas in the background then a hail of fireworks before NH is hit with a pepper-ball across the shoulder from the police line.

Newshuman - "Oh you motherfucker."  Pulls a pistol and turns stomping the direction firing away, camera man 'oh shit' then cuts out.

The smoke drifts over the charging lines as the police are flanked by the suburban housewives charging with leaf blowers ... then a sonic boom from above.  All look up.


The bell-suit face plants and craters the street between the lines.

(inside the fairly roomy yet not suit)

Gijo - "Short bursts."

Felicia - "Mm-hm.  Got it.  Short bursts."

The bell-suit springs to its feet, arm cannon powers up ... inside the sticky note says 'Shamus don't sue me gun'.

Gijo - "What the hell are you doing ?"

Felicia - "Umm ..."

The cannon stars to spin, the people start to back away ...

The police line charges knocking the suit back with shields, the protest line charges, knocking it forward.  The other arm fires flamethrower into the air.

Gijo - "This suit was made for incinerating bio-hazards.  We just got back from stopping yet another zombie apocalypse, started by the one this suit was intended for mind you, and not for this."

Felicia - "And ?"

Gijo - "Holy shit.  Are you a hero.  Or are you a villain.  Right fucking now."

The police line almost falls it back, the protest line almost forward.  Inside the police start marking as targets, a smoke grenade pings off the view.

Felicia - "What ?!"

Gijo - "Hero."

The police knock it back.

Gijo - "Or."

The protestors knock it forward as Felicia tries to grind control.

Gijo - "Villain."

Knocked to the side, caught by the extinguishing flame arm, a cannon shot to the air.  The crowd hesitates.

Gijo - "Because I need to know right now.  If you do this, you're on your own.  You can just keep the god-damn suit it's not even supposed to exist anyway, and if they find out I am Screwed !  So if you do this now I am OUT !"


The cannon charges again, a puff from the thrower, the lines all back away.

Gijo - "Hero or villain."


Felicia - "Hero."

The cannon pulls back in, the arms extend to the building corners ahead (switch marked with sicky note and stickers ... 'Diamond Hands'), knocking through a few cops flying off.  The hands grab bricks, as the suit pulls forward against the line, protestors pushing with.

~ The End ~


The protest continues through the credits in super slow, while a giant ass fore-cannon with a tiny little three seat cockpit slips through the stream toward Earth in real time. 

The time speed of the protest footage slowed relative to  the time it takes for the ship to travel, which is about the length of the song.