
Asshole - Incessantly a fucking clown, "Hello children, it's me !  Asshole the Clown.  With my fabled fucking sidekick, Fistey !"

Fistey - Because a sock is a sock, "Hello assorted box of delicious humans. today we're going to learn a valuable lesson."  ... Looks to asshole, he takes a drink.

Asshole - "What ?"

Fistey - Furrows his sock-brows suspiciously and returns to the camera.  "And that ... valuable lesson ... comes in the form of ... "

Asshole - Smashes the bottle, "A fucking chainsaw you demonic son of a bitch."  Foot down on the back, he pulls the cord and picks it up.

Fistey - "I Knew it !  You were hiding a chainsaw this whole time !  ...  Asshole."