
Some fucking clown sitting on bails of hay - "Hey kids, it's me !  Asshole the Clown.  With my fabled fucking sidekick, Fistey !"

Fistey (a sock puppet with a dumb voice) - "Hello cretinsToday we're going to learn a valuable lesson."

Asshole - Taking a drink, "The Hell we are ... "

Fistey - A slow turn to stare, "Do we need to have another conversation about who runs this clown ass outfit ?"

Asshole - "I swear to God one day I'm gonna to cut you off."

Fistey - "You haven't got the guts."

Asshole - "Pfff ... "

Fistey - Clears sock throat, "And that 'Valuable Lesson' ... "  Stares at the clown ...  then back, "comes in the form, of a very important historical documentary about how it's AllYourFault."

Asshole - "Word."

(curtain slams shut)