~ two

Esmeralda - "How the hell did I become such a loser !?"

Timepiece - "Oh fuck you.  Seriously for fucking a delusion you can be one serious bitch."

Doe - Paging through with Selene and Shaw, "There's got to be something.  They seemed to think it was important, and they are very much the right about everything types."  Closes the book, "Or they were."

Selene - "Caldera is the valley of volcanic crater.  Why would that be her name ?"

Shaw - "Where she comes from ?"

Doe - "Or what she represents."  He opens the book.

Shaw - "A volcano ?  You mean like a destructive force of nature."

Doe - "I mean the valley that comes after."

Shaw - "Huh."


Shaw - "Still not helpful."

Doe - "Yeah."

They look back into it.

Timepiece - "I mean ... it's just ... too big.  Too much.  I ... can't think of anything."

Esmeralda - "What is time ?"

Timepiece - Looks at her annoyed ... "A progression of events."

Esmeralda - "Oh for fuck sake did becoming a computer make me a moron too ?  What.  Is.  Time !?"


Timepiece - "chaos"

Esmeralda - "And what creates chaos ?"

Timepiece - "Free will.  Life."

Doe - "But if she comes from a place ... "

Shaw - "That place may still be there.  'Caldera'."

Selene - Looks up at the cloud, "She almost here."

Timepiece - Leaving the ship's wreck, "The nav comp shows no points to lock on to.  It's all gone.  We're everything that's left."

Timepiece - "And everything's dead so we're all out if time."


Esmeralda - "I swear to god I make everything so complicated."

Auto - "I ... I want to say thank you.  You all, across time, have been the highlights of my existence."

Carson - "Yes ... you are become ... family.  Even you new fools ... you belong with us.  Because here you are I am proud to die here at the center of all things with new family.  Old family ... probably dead."

Timepiece - "Definitely."

Carson - "They were good too."

Zelda - "But definitely not as cool as us."

Esmeralda - "Still too complicated !"

Timepiece - "Well.  Maybe we can ... "

Selene - "That's it.  She's here."

Esmeralda - "Seriously !  I'm getting hungry !"

Shaw - "I'm not going down without fighting, even if I have to claw ... "

The mechanism leaves Carson and joins Auto to reinforce while Carson takes his sword.

Timepiece - "Why the Hell does my imaginary me have to be Such a Fucking BITCH !?"

Esmeralda - "Why do you keep saying that ?"  Behind her an obviously imaginary apparition of her with crossed arms shakes her head at Timepiece.  "I swear to God I'm so fucking weird sometimes."

She turns away as the variant time-ships from Gaslight jump in all fleeing the same fate, all damaged and crashing save one.

Doe - A hand on Timepiece's shoulder.  "There's always hope, so long as we've got anything at all."  (Selene swoons a bit)

Timepiece - Looking at the frozen visage, "Fine.  I eat adorable shit for breakfast."

Carson - Looks to Doe, "Is 'Lucky Charms'."

Auto shakes his head in disgust ...

In time they all march to their fate approaching, preparing to fight.

While out of time, Timepiece marches for the frozen pursuer.  Behind her the crews gather as they were in Gaslight, wind picking up in their wake of time displacement.

In time, they begin picking up speed to charge, the spider dances its excitement.  Auto points to it with a threatening nod while Carson punches palm with a grin waiting.

Out of time, Timepiece pulls her combat knife with one hand, her pocket watch in the other.  Puts the knife to Caldera's eye and clicks the watch.  Caldera flies right into it, and the cloud fades with the shrieking fall to her knees.

The spider leaps out and their fight ensues.

Even in her pain and rage with no weaponry, Caldera remains a true fight requiring all until the form a rhythm, then a loud black powder shot.  

Caldera falls, Selene holding the gun.  Carson puts his blade through the distracted spider's core, it twitches then legs straight out before it drops.

At the end of the main song pause (4:20 before the return)

They all circle Caldera's last breaths.

Caldera - Holds up a finger, "Wait !  Final words ... "  Exaggerating death, "I did it ... for ... Loooooove ... "  Hacks and closes her eyes fast going limp.


She opens an eye, fist to the face to black.

As she bleeds out, red touching the twig in her hair, life begins to grow from the nutrients, the land so ready for it, the red of her blood mixing with the mist flowing into the sky.  Around them as life begins to flourish ~

Esmeralda - To Doe and Selene still holding the book, "It's not about going back.  It's about going forward.  We'll see you there."

~ the song returns.

Esmeralda's father voiced over from the end of Gaslight, "Proud of you."
