~ two

K'Terlu ~ a sun sized creature essentially digging through space by devouring everything and expelling for propulsion while entire planets revolve its slow dragging mass, their moons revolving there.

The ships found to be eggs in origin are ejected from it's many tentacles, some of which reach out of phase with our universe and into other layers, injecting them there as it flails them in flight.

Smaller forms of the beast like the carcassese of Encompass swim about among them more swiftly, of a smaller mass, feeding here and there from the planetoids.

Evil (its daughter) approaches slowly in small docking craft made for audience, a massive magnifying glass before it to see the tiny specimens, until before nothing but the black of its one eye at the center of the countless tentacles.

Evil - "Hi dad.  So ... I lost that flag-ship I borrowed without telling you ... ?  And ... its conquering fleet ... ?  And crews ?  And ... accompanying brigades ?"

The eye goes wide, a tentacle destroys a trailing moon with a short grunt.


Back in the Princess Gunship ~

Alien 1 - "So ?"

Evil - "He ... destroyed my favorite desolate world ..."

Alien 2 - "Oh no .. noo ... not the one with the ..."

Evil - Sniffs, "Yes.  It was the one with the worms."  Tears begin flowing.  "And the little peoples !"  Full on breakdowns ...

Alien 1 - "Oh ... honey noooo .... "  Begins brushing her hair, then to the other.  "Start baking the fucking cakes."

Alien 2 - "On it."  Runs for the back.

Evil - "I do want cakes now."


Brother - "So who the fuck are you !?"

Babysitter - Clearly an agent, black suit and sunglasses on, jogging tracker.  "Babysitter.  I guess that makes you the baby."

Brother - "Fuck."

Babysitter - "Well you sure do have a shit mouth."

Brother - "Well you've got a shit attitude."

Babysitter - "These are both true things.  Video games then ?"

Brother - "Probably best for both of us.  Fucked up runs in the family."

('Hand on the Pump' by Cypress Hill (DJ Muggs remix)

Hector and Sally launch.  The family car drives through space and don't ask the angry mom how, dad shell loads and then jacks the shotgun.  Evil eats cake, while the Professor warms up the jump drive, plotting to the the inverted beacon points from Encompass.

Professor - Bleeps from the vector graphics screen locking on, "Almost there ..."

Ambrose - "You.  Human scientist.  Where did you get that."

Professor - "The cloaking device ?  Hang on ... you're an alien."

Ambrose - "Mm-hm.  And why are you locking 'a cloaking device' onto a distant point ?"

Professor - "Uhh ... those are the people I don't want to see us.  It's a 'cloa-king dee-vice'.  I though you aliens were smart.  Like intrinsically."

Ambrose - "Hm.  You may continue."

Romeo - "So how long is it going to take to get there ?"

Flash - "Like thirty four years."  Tosses a can.

Felicia - "I really ... don't want to be gone that long, my family will kill you all."

~ Car pulling up behind, rage inside, bullets pumping into more guns. 

Ambrose - "I see ... and I have heard.  Well here you go then."  Pulls out a chip board and flips it over, off to warp, car tossed in its wake.  "Now where again did you get this ... 'cloaking device' ?"

Professor - "Ha !  It works ... they'll never see us now ... hm ?  Oh.  Alien crash site.  Well.  I mean that's where the government found it, which makes it not theirs.  I just broke into Area 51 and stole it.  Ha !  Now There was a blast ..."

('Mr Dobalina' by Del the Funk Homosapien)

Crappy cartoon (scene splices with Babysitter gaming with Brother as though playing the sides).  Lot's of talk where I was got the inspiration for these, and it was from the first 'music video' I ever saw ~

'She Bop' by Cindi Lauper (in the Archive, it's all related).

The Professor crashes the gate at Area 51 driving the jeep from said video, grinning wide with a blunt in the teeth, goggles on stringy hair in the wind.

The guards call in and open fire, he's obliviously swaying too much in the ride to be hit as the bullets whizz by, plinking off the open classic jeep.  Back and forth accumulating chase, looking aimlessly for the right hangar.

Pursuit in a growing pile of bad animation behind of angry faces, he crashes the right hangar door.  Drives by and grabs the engine continuing on, crashing the other door across and through the fence, mad chase given, attack helicopters joining.

Back to the freeway in the growing pursuit, swerving through the traffic, the tunnel ahead.  Helicopters fire away ... pile of pursuit of oversized angry faces in jeeps fills the screen, Professor grinning proud and smoking oblivious.

Into the tunnel, a curve ahead as it clogs the pursuit, beyond the schoolbus parked.  Back end cut to drop down like a ramp, the waiting children toss a giant rubber ball the looks like the core, the professor tosses the core toward the bus and sets works car's makeshift auto-pilot.

~ The bouncing balls cross each other ... the gamers game ...

Into the bus, he grabs the ball and straps it where the engine was and leaps to the staring bus, ramp closing behind, jeep carrying on followed by the guards.  At the schoolbus wheel, the child driving ...

Professor - "Beat it kid."  Takes his fedora back.

Kid - "Aw."  (whip sound)


Back to normal ~

Felicia - "That didn't happen." 

Juliet - "Actually that did happen.  Last field trip.  You should try showing up for those sometime."

~ As the ramp closes Juliet tosses a grenade, "Motherfuckers !"

Juliet - "Had no idea what it was about though.  You never do."


Mom - In a cantina somewhere, dad getting beat up by a couple of aliens at the bar, "We need a fast ship.  And no questions asked."

Daphne - "And we've got the fastest bird in the galaxy."

Cassandra roars.

(They escaped the cartoons in 'Come Hell or Halloween')


(by almost crashing an object into the Earth)


Hector - "Where the hell'd they go !?"

Sally - "They went to the Abyss Hector."

Hector - "What the hell's an Abyss !?"

Sally - "Hell Hector.  The Abyss is Hell."


Hector - "Bout time."

Sally - "Yep.  Sorry Junior."

UFO - Sad beeps ... pops off Hector's back.

~ UFO and Brother play video games, Agent Babysitter waiting a turn annoyed ... the Professor's ship comes out of jump.  

Inside the Princess Gunship as it departs the cluster.

Alien 1 - "Woah.  You gotta see this."

Evil - "I really can't see things right now."  Crying with a fistful of cake to her face, burning candles and all.

Alien 2 - "No ... highness ... this is pretty good."

Evil - "Fine.  I am slowly ... looking up now."

Their ship sits immediately before the massive barrel, a flea before a cannon.  Inside the Gunship, the view zoomed into the cockpit.

~ Felicia - "Oh fuck."

Evil - A complete emotional and make-up wreck, a short laugh with a mad little smile. "Huh.  Fire."

~ The massive beam engulfs them.

(commercial break)

(Whoever the hell made this gets paid when I do)