~ three

~ slow scene through the song's first parts ~

The suit drifts helplessly in space, Felicia passed out inside.  The Princess Gunship lowers over it claws extending to bring it inside, last to the dark of the closing door before jumping away (0:39, song over).

Smouldering repairs in the Professor's lifeboat, he and Ambrose working the engine feeds from inside.  Flash lay passed out surrounded by cans drooling ...

Romeo - "Is ... there anything I can do ?"

Professor - "Literally !  Nothing."

Ambrose - "Actually it could be useful to send the human out to realign the engines, it may be able to breath in space.  Your people didn't know what 'space' was exactly, when it's particular tale was written."

Romeo - "Wait what ?"

Professor - "Have you tried before ?"

They both stare, truly curious.

Juliet - "Well.  No ... how would ... but I ..."

~ Outside the ship, tied with a rope around the waist and wearing a ball gown, "Huh."


Felicia wakes in the suit, chained to the wall struggling pointlessly.  Her face seen through the glass as the red light reflects across, filling the inside with its glow, the sound.

Felicia - "What !?  No !  You can't !"

Evil - Holding the Dildo Blade (Aedera has one in her drawer on the Rose).  The red laser extends from an obviously a silver dildo vibrating its with activation.  "Awww honey ... it's satire."


Daphne - "Um.  That's not a moon."

Mom and Dad - "Ew ..."

Space-bird (Book of Names version) caws through space, approaching K'Terlu.


Felicia - Suit sparking through the gashes, "I don't even know who that is !  I swear to God !"

Evil - "Do you even believe in God ?"

Felicia - "Well."

Evil - Another swipe, "Where is the Nocturnal One !?"


Aboard the craft for audience with Cassandra, flanked by aliens in chef-hats, holding many knives before it's massive magnifier.  

~ This is the first acknowledged look at these aliens.

Their forms were always blotted by light or shadow in Encompass.  They slog around on squid-legs, not quite the same species as the greater ones, but a descendant microbe which feeds of the eggs to clean their husks before conversion into battle cruisers.

~ The school cafeteria chef was one of them.

As opposed to a single eye, there are many, nearing insect like in cluster, though spider like in their individual roundness and separation.  They begin few apart, then cluster toward the top, expressing their emotions from the bottom to extremes like feedback waves to and from the receiving top.

~ They also bear a random resemblance to Squid from Halloween.

Daphne - "Greetings, Lord K'Terlu.  Ruler of all universes, multiverses, omniverses, and ... um ... " "Cassandra grunts a clue" ... metaverses ... follower of only the ... " 

Cassandra grunts again, the eye nodding along, 'Mm-hm, mm-hm.' ...

Daphne - "... beacon of ... "


Daphne - "... of ..."

Cassandra looks concerned ... inside the Space-bird nearby, Dad clutching a shotgun and severed alien hand from the cantina while Mom crouches beneath the controls.

Daphne - "Of ... wis ... dom's ... eternal fucking compass ... ?"

K'Terlu sighs a relief while disappointed space-chefs throw down their knives.

Daphne - "Hi.  I think you know my dad ?  Really big hotels."

A happy groan 'Oh ...'

The space-bird is spat into space near the Princess Gunship ~

Alien 1 - "Is that a bird ?"

Alien 2 - "In space ?  Must be a plane." 

The monitor clicks on, K'Terlu onscreen.

Alien 1 - "Ruh-roh."


The audience platform approaches, K'Terlu rolls his eye annoyed.

Hector - Tentacles flailing from beneath his foot, he swats the magnifier aside.  "Hi.  My name's Hector.  And I'm here to kick yer ass."  He leaps forward punching the eye hard, Sally slams into it as a shuttle on full burn, both frozen in the hit, still trying to power it through.


The eye blinks, lashes hitting hard and spinning them off into space.


On the teleportation pads ~

Daphne - While Cassandra works the controls, "Ready for another lawsuit ?"  

Cassandra looks up waiting.

Dad - "I eat lawsuits for breakfast."  His teeth, "I'm an accountant."  Sound of the shotgun jacked and a shell bouncing across the pads.

Mom - "You just ejected an unspent shell."

Dad's Teeth with a Cigar - "That's right."

He teleports away, Mom looks around nervously and pockets the shell, then teleports away.


Hector warms up a Full Manga Power Hit, Sally roars her engines ...

He hits.  She back flops it hard.  It blinks, still uncertain what's happening.


Brother throws down the controls, Agent Babysitter laughs evilly.  The UFO's arm slowly extends for the pad ... Brother slaps the metal.

Brother - "Not yet !"  Rolls his eyes, "I'm supposed to be learning about 'not giving up' and stuff ... "

Babysitter - "Good one kid."

Sad UFO beeps ...


Evil's blade raised over the nearly opened suit ~

Felicia - Struggling hard, "Don't you say it.  Don't you Dare !"

Evil - A short evil laugh, her smile.  "Bye Felicia." (teleport sound)

Mom - Behind her, "Hello Evil.  Seen my daughter ?"

Felecia shrinks back low in the suit ...

Evil - "Who ?"

Mom uppercuts her under the jaw with a right as she turns, a left under Evil's blade wielding arm and along to the hand, spinning the blade out of grip by the underside.  Another hard right sends evil against the bell-suit.


Dad - In a corporate office, surrounded by angry lawyers waving their papers in red-faced flusters.  Looks at the camera with a wink, "Daddy's time to shine."  

Puts on his sunglasses and pulls up the shotgun.


Mom pound hard, Evil spins off as the hit cracks the suit's glass.  You really can't see though the glass without close light.

Felicia - Echoing inside, "Hey !"  Shrinks back covering mouth.

Mom - "Deal with it, 'hero'.  I'll cut you loose in a three minutes flat."  Chases evil down the corridor.


Felicia struggles uselessly against the chains ... a sigh.  Through the viewport, the Professor's lifeboat sputters along ...

Professor - "Now that, looks like a ship with a cloaking device."

Ambrose - "Mm-hm."

('Loose Beasties' the remix unknown)

The lawyers put on their sunglasses and drop their briefcases, pulling the guns inside.  Matrix moves come free with all sunglasses in Middleton and so the firefight begins.

Leaping through the mayhem and running along the walls twirling in slow fire, a strange ballet for not a particularly large meeting room.

Mom chases Evil down the halls til beat-downs, while the Professor et all steal the core, chased back and forth through the halls by two aliens saying "Whoop whoop whoop.", shooting in all directions.

~ Flash rolls over in his chair (music sample), still passed out.

At the song's crescendo the moves become absurd.  Slow motion cartwheeling across the screen, the hardest lawyer shoots while spinning toward, dad pumps shells.

The aliens chase the crew carrying the core, themselves chased by Diver Deep while through his slow two gunning cartwheel.  The hard lawyer's hit at the music's finale, flying back in slow motion, last of the lawyers taking the excess scatter to end them.

(song over)

Mom - On top of evil, fist raised, Evil extends claws and hisses ... Mom's phone goes off.  "Hang on."

Evil - "Really ?"

Felicia - Playing video games at home, "Where are you ?"

Mom - Fist holding ... "Um.  Where are you ?"

Felicia - "At home !  We just got back from the field trip."

Mom - Fist relaxing ... "Oh yeah ... I remember those."

Evil - "The Nocturnal One ?"

A look from mom before the punch, to black.

~ Dad straightens his tie, closing the door to the bloodbath boardroom.  A pause ... an appreciative nod.  Heads for the elevator.  It opens, no button pushed but empty.  Notes the spot of blood on the collar ... a smile.

Dad - "Yep."  The door closes, teleport sound.


Babysitter - "Hey gang.  Wanna see the Writer's Cut ?"

Felicia - "They never released the Writer's Cut."

Brother - "And there's only one copy.  No one's even seen it but the writer's own brain ..."

Babysitter - "These are all true things."  Pulls a Beta-Max.

('Ante Up' by M.O.P (~ the remix)

The family and cast close around the glowing TV, eyes peeled over popcorn.

Hector and Sally look in through the window wide eyed ... 


Continuing the Encompass battle, the ongoing onslaught from Sanctuary's forces, K'Terlu wincing hard to squeeze out more and more ships until near the end they more and more become like painted Easter eggs falling across the screen til the end.

(I cut almost the entire battle in Encompass for the warp out from that back drop, the better edit there, but it would happen to leave all this awesome footage just laying around so ... )