Diver Deep the Third

~ Thanksgiving 2021 ~

The final scene of 'Encompass', across the star-field the missiles begin porting in, their many waves one after the next.  Voiced over as they approach the countless alien eggship cluster ~

Felicia - "Yeah ... I know that movie was supposed to end this way.  But there was no way in Halloween Hell they'd give up those kind of effects on a holiday special so ... "

Their vintage looking rocket-ship ports in, Flash piloting, his Professor working the spark smoking panels on the side, Felicia, Romeo Juliet, and Ambrose in the three other cockpit seats wide eyed eating popcorn.

Sanctuary missiles begin hitting their targets among the egg ships, the rest launching their fighters to engage.

Felicia - "I mean certainly not just for the best opening credits ever."

Flash in desperate flight, the professor running around on fire ... they essentially fly through the scene without actually being an active part of it.

Felicia - "This matches our entire fucking budget, right here.  So enjoy !  Oh !  Um.  So this actually an 'Easter' Special.  ...  Just so you know.  We don't talk about that other day here."


~ Diver Deep the Fourth ~


It's Alien fucking Egg Day

Explosion across and back to their walk through the school halls away from Flash babbling about aliens and spaceships (immediately from the last scene of DD the 3rd) ~

Flash - "No.  That part's real."

Student - Uh.  No Flash, that's insane."

Flash - Smiles nodding "yeah ..." crushes a beer open on his face and drinks out what little's left.

Professor - "Flash !"

Flash - "Fuck !"

Background female - "That part's actually true."

Into the lab ...

Professor - "It is time ... for tennis !"

~ Ambrose sneaks a cigarette near the never used tennis court, wide eyed staring as it begins splitting in half, a rocket-ship rising upright.  He pulls the phone.

~ The rest of the friends are staring ...

Flash - "Kay so what's the plan."

Professor - "With your superior piloting skills !  We shall Defeat the alien wave ... before they reach Earth."

Flash - Another beer cracks, "Word ..."

~ They stare in horror, the suit now with them.


Sally - Parked next to the house, "So I'm suddenly and randomly concerned."

Hector - Upright behind the house, UFO as a bot cleaning the pool with a net and catches a fish.  "What about ?"

Sally - "Not sure yet.  Seems ... 'motherly ...'

The UFO freezes ... the fish jumps back in the pool.

~ The rocket still rises slowly from the tennis court ...

Inside Mom stares the madness frozen while cutting vegetables, "Concerned."

Dad - "Packing the car."

~ Rocket still rising ...

Flash - "Seriously ?  Still ?"

Professor - "Go to hell brat, I'm on a teacher's budget."

Flash - Drinks, "You mean you blew the budget on the opening credits ..."

Professor - "Children today understand nothing."

Flash - Burps and tosses the can, "Whatever."

~ Done rising with a deep clang.

Felicia - "So ..."

Professor - Jumps terrified, "E-GAD ! What are you !?"

Felicia - "Um."

Professor - "Fine.  We are caught.  Get in and shut up about it, the lot of you, we're saving the universe.   ... Give me that."  Takes Ambrose's smoke, a drag staring ... "Well in with you then ... !"  

Smokes staring ... looks at it, then mini-puffs a few til full smoke and looks again.

Professor - "What is this ?"

Ambrose - "It came from Uranus."

They launch.

('oki-flash' by ... 'oki' ?  I really have no idea anymore)

I don't know if you know this but I'm really into rocket launch scenes.  Almost as much as things crashing into planets.  Like through the air after the slow lift while propulsion toils against tonnage, gravity screaming 'hell no' as it rises, the slow arc through the stratosphere ... 
I'm just saying it's the good shit, lollypop !

As it passes through the gridwork sky, Gijo is distracted on the other monitor watching a Flat-Earther (with a flag that actually looks a lot like the landmass from 'The Archive') try to take off in his home made rocket-ship and then crash.

Gijo - Eating popcorn, "Ha-ha" (the professor's ship passes the other monitor).