Caldera reckoned

Behind the Decibel, Caldera follows with a shriek, in the cockpit at the nav station with Shaw ~

Timepiece - "I have to tell you, there is no going back.  Once you've left a timeline behind, it's gone.  Differentiation.  Anything done in the past will differentiate the future leaving going back, the only possible outcome."

He looks around, at the hold where amid the tiny spider drones Zelda practices trying to pick up Carson's sword enough to swing, Carson watching over.

Selene in the furthest corner at the hold's apex where the motorcycle powers the drive, Auto at the wheel, then back to his station.  Auto looks over to him.  

Shaw - "I know.  At least that was always my theory, amid the many propositions about 'going back'.  We used the arcs of spin, a planet on a solar system moving through a galaxy, that galaxy moving as well until relatively reaching near light speed for short hops here and there, across the stars ... 

"So yes, 'time travel' did come up in out philosophies.  They debated.  It made sense.  No going back."

Timepiece - "I am sorry.  I wish ... "

Shaw - "That you could go back.  I know."  A hand on hers with a smile, but I know a place we can go."  Eyes back to the station and hands at work.  "These are good numbers robot."

Auto - "Thank you D'Wa-Kil."

Shaw - Smiles, "Hm ... there is an inevitable dimension set in physics which by nature will be equidistant, from all things."  A laugh, "Pretty much just because it's an obvious calculation.  So we're not the first to understand that."

Timepiece - "Equidistant, from all things.  By its nature.  So that means ... "

Shaw - "From this storm as well."  Tapping the buttons ... the sword clunks to the ground again.

Carson - "Yesss ... "  He looks to Selene.  "Child of honorable death, play with the knives ... "


Selene - "I was going to run away.  I was planning it."  A sad laugh.  "And then I did !"

Carson - "No.  No no no no.  They told you to go.  To live and feast another day I was there.  You were walking."

Shaw - "It's only running away ... when you've got no destination."  Last taps, "There we go.  Sanctuary."

They port out over the massive tree growing on an asteroid, waterfalls flowing over into mist and away to time, tendrils though all as their matter becomes among the equidistant.  

This appears to be of Kaki Tales, magistrates home distant in the roots of the tree, but their approach only seems to push it away.

Shaw - "Technically we've fooled physics into thinking we, are all points, in a removed universe.  This is the height of your drive's potential.  Finding this."

On his readout it shows the shields extending in a bubble around the island.

Shaw - "As we shrink this field, it will draw it, closer to us.  This is how you land here, their own standard procedure."

Timepiece - "You've been here before."

Shaw - "Yes."

She waits for more answer as he sets the shields and gets up from the station to join the rest, where Zelda and Selene both pick up the sword and run at Carson, striking the shielding mechanisms while he twitches playing dead.

~ Caldera ~

As they approach the ship responds to entering the island's field, now within its singular point.  They circle for landing in what would appear to be somewhere between the time of Kaki and Ishi Tales.

A founded land but not a developed one.  The people gather from their homes in the unpaved streets to see the ship's survey until a lop of empty field clumped in stone from a tree's branch catches the eye, the Magistrate below waiting.

Not a place of such technologies, but clearly accustomed to it.

Temples spread, in compare with traditional Sanctuary the symbols and structure are all there, but different.  The platforms of the great tree are more developed here, having begun with the tearing of the land, but still the bearing of a land born in gunpowder.

All are very well armed, but only when greeting newcomers.  Not many come and you can see the curiosity across their eyes.  Demons caught in the woods look to the ship, this a new thing to some while to others a yawn as the succubus pulls the incubus' attention back.

The landing before the Magistrate, a short bow as they exit.

Magistrate - "Greetings wise travelers who could find such a place, I ... "  As Shaw exits.  "Ah.  Hello Shaw, what is it this time ?  Come to steal my book again ?"

They all and crew look at him ...

Shaw - "Well actually.  Yeah."

Asherah and the Magistrate break out laughing at the head of the table.

Asherah - "The sheriff ?  Of a marketplace ?  Oh Mr Shaw I do love your lack of boundaries."

Magistrate - "Indeed, as fine as your last ploy."  He turns to Timepiece, "He came here as a book collector, bidding everything you can imagine for this book in my collection.  Claiming it was on another's behalf."

Asherah - "Offered us worlds.  Entire planets for our people."

Magistrate - "And every color of gem, seen or un.  Had to fish him out of the library."  Leans toward Shaw,  "He seemed to have gotten lost.  Now who was that bidder again ?"

Shaw - ... "Kro ... "

Magistrate - "It was KronusDestroyer of worlds."

Asherah - "Had none left to offer us at all."

Shaw - "Well forgive me if I though my life was worth more than a book."

Magistrate - "Forgiven."


Zelda - "Wow.  That was a lot.  This is really good food."  Looks around, "Good food yah ?"

Carson looks at her gumming salad leaves out of his mouth like a cry for help.

Magistrate - "And then when he failed, he set the bidder up to be murdered by his own son, to save himself."

Shaw - "Well.  Forgive me for thinking my like was more important than that guy that you hate.  Who was going to kill me.  For not stealing your precious book."

Asherah - "Actually that one was pretty clever.  Framed it like a revolution."

Magistrate - "Hmmm ... so why do you want it now, 'sheriff' ?"